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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Shoes are a universal way to show off your personal style and individuality. For many, shoes can be a great way to start a conversation and bond over a shared love of shoes. Here are five reasons why you can never have too many shoes:

1. The Endless Possibilities

No two pairs of shoes are ever the same. There are multiple designs, heel heights, and colors of shoes, and because of this, you can never have too many shoes! 

2. Different Shoes = Different Looks

Because there are so many different shoes and shoe types, there are multiple ways to change up your outfits! Wearing one outfit with flats is a completely different look than if you were to wear the same outfit with heels. 

3. Life is Short, Buy the Shoes

This one speaks for itself. Because of the various designs and styles, you can never have too many shoes. Just buy the shoes.


4. Different Seasons

Weather can play a huge role in the shoes you decide to wear for the day. With this in mind, it is important to have different shoes for different seasons (and multiple shoes for the same season)!

5. Shoes Last Longer than Clothes

Shoes are much more reliable than clothes and never change. Whether or not you gain or lose weight (thanks Freshman 15!), shoes will always remain the same.