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What in the World is Going On?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

This week: Pakistan, California’s minimum wage, the FDA, and the US Capitol


What happened?

Over 70 people were killed and over 300 more were injured in Lahore, Pakistan in a suicide bombing on Easter that was targeted toward Christians. A group within the Pakistani Taliban has since taken responsibility for the attack.

Why is this important?

Although the bombing was targeted at Christians celebrating Easter, most of the people killed were in the attack were Muslim. The bombing brought light to Pakistan’s history of weak laws to protect religious minorities, including Pakistani Christians. Many prominent international figures have spoken out against the attacks, from UK Prime Minister David Cameron to the globally-admired Malala Yousafzai. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan has also demanded retaliation in return for the attacks.


[Source: CNN]

What happened?

This week, our good ol’ state of California became the first state in the nation to approve of a $15 minimum wage. The increased minimum wage unsurprisingly led to mixed opinions.

Why is this important?

It’s important to note that this change will not happen all at once, so it’s not as aggressive as you may be thinking. The plan is to raise the minimum wage to $10.50 by January 2017 and then again to $11 by January 2018. From then on, the minimum wage will increase by $1 every year until it reaches $15 by 2022, unless an economic downturn or a budget crisis take place. Today, about 32% of California’s workforce live on minimum wage and cities in California such as Los Angeles and San Francisco have already made plans to raise their minimum wages. While California’s decision is popular with many, those who oppose the plan claim that it could lead to businesses hiring less people, therefore leading to increased unemployment.

The FDA:

What happened?

This week, the FDA extended the amount of time permitted to take the abortion pill. Mifepristone, the medication used to carry out an abortion by blocking progesterone, can now be taken up to 70 days into a pregnancy as opposed to the previous 49-day deadline.

Why is this important?

Planned Parenthood praised the FDA’s decision to extend the deadline for the use of the drug, which boasts a 99% safety record. The decision can also allow for safer and more accessible abortions for women in the country. For more on abortion and women’s rights, check out this video.

US Capitol:

What happened?

This week, US Capitol police shot a man after setting off a metal detector and being in possession of what appeared to be a gun, which was pointed at a police officer. The suspect, Larry Dawson from Antioch, Tennessee underwent surgery shortly after being shot and is now in stable but critical condition.

Why is this important?

According to the US Capitol Police, Dawson had visited the Capitol grounds in the past, disrupting Congress by announcing that he was a “prophet of God.” During the incident, a female bystander was also hospitalized as a result of minor injuries from the shooting.