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What in the World is Going On?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

This week: Mitt Romney vs. Donald Trump, Nancy Reagan, Texas Abortion Laws, and Super Tuesday

Mitt Romney vs. Donald Trump:

What happened?

Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney slammed Donald Trump in a speech earlier this week. He urged voters to vote for literally anybody else (as long as it’s not Hillary Clinton).

Why is this important?

Romney is definitely not the first politician speaking out against Trump, but as the former Republican presidential nominee, his influence is important. Mitt Romney may have lost to President Obama back in 2012, but it was a close race, meaning that Romney had his fair share of supporters. While many have supported Romney’s speech, there is some talk that it either won’t make much of a difference, or worse, could cause a divide within the Republican party. This is bad news because, in the words of beloved former Republican president Abraham Lincoln, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Nancy Reagan:

What happened?

Speaking of Republican presidents Americans are now nostalgic for, Nancy Reagan, the influential former First Lady and wife of former President Ronald Reagan, died this week.

Why is this important?

Nancy Reagan was best known for her “Just Say No” anti-drug campaign during the Reagan administration (which you probably remember from your days in school). Nancy Reagan was 94 years old at the time of her death and she will be buried next to her husband, former President Ronald Reagan, to whom she was married to for 52 years until his death in 2004.


What happened?

This week, the Supreme Court heard a case involving Texas’ health regulations that have been known to make it difficult for women to receive abortions. The Supreme Court, now split in half between liberal and conservative justices, appear to be disagreeing over the issue (surprise, surprise).

Why is this important?

Texas’ current laws require that abortion clinics meet hospital standards and that all abortions, surgical or not, be carried out in surgical centers. This all sounds fine, except for the fact that it has led to the closing of a number of abortion clinics in the state, limiting the options women have to undergo the procedure. The recent death of conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has left a vacancy in the Court, leaving an equal number of conservative and liberal Justice’s to make the decision. A ruling will most probably be issued in June, by which time many abortion clinics could be closed because they don’t meet Texas’ high standards. During the hearing, liberal Justices were not kind to the Lone Star State, accusing the law of utilizing the law for the sole purpose of limiting abortions.

Super Tuesday:

What happened?

Super Tuesday, or the one Tuesday during election year when a ton of states hold their primary elections and caucuses, was this week. Hillary Clinton came out on top for the Democratic Party and Donald Trump took the lead for the Republican Party.

Why is this important?

While many of us have been trying to ignore Donald Trump, until now, there is no more denying that he is doing really, really well this election. It wasn’t too big of a surprise that Trump took the lead in seven Super Tuesday states, meaning that there is a good chance that he could be out Republican Party’s presidential nominee.