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Things you should avoid doing during class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Please, please, please don’t be that person in class that everyone secretly loathes because they’re incredibly irritating. The worst part is that many people are so unaware of themselves that they don’t even have the slightest clue that their classmates want to strangle them. In order to avoid such a gruesome faint and win over the favor of your peers, here are some things you should always be aware of whether or not your are doing them.

1. Chewing gum 

Whether it’s chewing or popping, any sound coming from your mouth that isn’t related to the class is going to have to stop. You especially don’t want to see what happens when you chew gum with your mouth open when the class is quiet during an exam. 

2. Feet tapping

As you can see I clearly have an issue with unnecessary noise. What makes this even worse is when your whole leg gets involved. I get it, you’re antsy and have the need to move after sitting in your seat for hours on end, but as soon as your legs start shaking the entire table, then we’re going to have a problem. 

3. Saying ‘I think’ or ‘I believe’ before stating your point

Apparently this wasn’t a lesson everyone should have been taught during elementary school. I understand that it gets a little difficult when the question is states as, ‘why do you think,’ but here’s a fun fact for you: IF YOU’RE SAYING IT THEN IT’S IMPLIED THAT THAT’S WHAT YOU THINK/BELIEVE. Sitting in any of my discussion-based classes is a nightmare because it feels like I’m being forced to watch the question section of a beauty pageant.

4. Talking too much

I get it, really, I do. You did the reading and you have a lot to say about it. Here’s the thing though: after your five-minute rant, where I’m 100% convinced you didn’t stop to breathe once, you’ve earned your participation grade for the day. This may come as a surprise to you, but you’re not the only one here trying to work. Share the space. Please. Unless it’s one of those awkward classes where no one does the reading other than you, then please, by all means, talk away. 

5. Vibrating phone

Now before you get upset, I admit that I use my phone all the time in class. I’m an avid and constant texter and I know how bad that can be at distracting others, but at least I keep my phone on silent. I’m all for having your phone out, even keep it on the desk/table if you want; just make sure than when it buzzes, it doesn’t make a sound or shake the desk. Really, it’s just common courtesy.