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Aaron Burden/Unsplash

Things to be Thankful for in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.




Meeting people from all over the country and world — It is refreshing to gain new perspectives every day.

A free gym — Or should I say no additional cost. What better way to stave of the off the Freshman 15?

Living close to your friends — It is so nice having the opportunity to vent about stressful classes or just to be in each other’s company in the blink of an eye.

The cafeteria — As frustrating as the food may be, it is so nice to have food available at all times, or to simply have your dishes done for you!

Freedom — As great as parents are, sometimes it’s nice to just be on your own.

Sleeping In — Although having an 8 a.m. is almost inevitable, there is a much higher likelihood of having a 9 a.m. wake-up call versus a 6 a.m.

Studying what you want to study — As frustrating as classes may be, studying what YOU want to study makes for a much more enjoyable classroom experience

Canceled Classes — Is anything better?

College Itself — Getting a degree, having an exciting social life and having the chance to learn about yourself, college is undeniably an exciting time.