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Shy Girl’s Survival Guide: Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

We’ve all been there: stuck in our day to day routine with a thriving need for new adventures. It can be hard to do and can be especially challenging for the shy girl like me. Look no further. We’ve got some ways to help a sister break free from her comfort zone!

Say hi. Hello. How’s it going? That person you barely know from your psych class probably sees you too and is wondering if they should say hi. Challenge yourself. Put yourself out there. With a couple easy words, you might make someone’s day or even a new friend.

Get out of your routine. If you aren’t always going about your day in the same usual ways, you will be more likely to try new things and do activities that you normally wouldn’t. Sit in a different spot in class. Study in the piazza rather than AF. Bonus: This simple tip can bring about a whole new world of adventure.

Put down the phone. I know, your mobile device can bring comfort and get you out of possibly tricky situations, but you will never know what could be in store for you if you don’t give it a try. It may feel awkward at first, but give the phone a break. If you look up, you may find opportunities that you wouldn’t have seen otherwise.

Live in the moment. If you want something, go after it whether that’s applying for your dream internship or making conversation with kid sitting alone in the cafeteria. Don’t overthink it; just do it.

Write it down and get it out. Each day write down three things you did that got you out of your comfort zone no matter how big or small. Keep a journal of it. Later on, you can look back at it to see how much you have accomplished and how far you’ve gone.

Take it at your own pace. Do one small, scary thing at a time. Those baby steps could lead to bigger steps and some pretty incredible memories. Over time, you will see your comfort zone expand and won’t believe how far you’ve come. You got this!