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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

An Open Letter to Social Media,

I’ve been thinking a lot about social media these days, the way I spend hours scrolling through endless photos on Instagram, comparing myself to these photos of girls I’ve never met nor seen. I found myself wishing I had their arms, stomach, legs. The way their skin looks so perfect, even in the worst lighting. I felt bad about myself, about who I was. No longer is a woman’s body the desired form. We’re using the bodies of young girls to promote bikinis, clothing, etc ( I’m looking at you Brandy Melville). 16 year olds are modeling for big swimsuit brands making us think that’s how we should look. Being under 110 pounds is where we need to be, anything above that is plus sized. We’re taking women like Jennifer Lawrence and placing them in the plus sized category. But why? When did that become plus size? Well, here’s your answer: it’s not. Sorry to break it to you but JLaw is no where near plus sized.

Where did the Hilary Duffs and Raven Symones on Disney Channel go? Now we’re replacing these naturally beautiful and confident stars with the Zendayas and the Bella Thornes. Girls who are supposed to be playing high schoolers and college kids but look no more than 15 years old. We’re corrupting our youth. They see these girls on screen, idolize to be them and slowly kill themselves trying to have their waist circumference. It’s sickening. No longer are the beauty standards Marilyn Monroe but now more of a 110 pound girl. What happened to curves? What happened to having hips, thighs and an ass? We all know Beyonce is the eptiome of this now but who else? Where are they all going? Back in the day most famous women we idolize had Beyonce’s body. Why are we not progressing as a society?

Now women are contouring their face for hours to have the cheekbones and brow lines that “slay” the game. They take that makeup off and look unrecognizable. If it takes more that 30 minutes to do makeup, you’re doing something wrong. Be natural and beautiful. You were made to look the way you were supposed to so stop hiding. There’s only one of you so cherish that. Love who you are instead of paying hundreds of dollars for makeup that will only change how you look, not make you anymore more amazing than you already are.  

So social media, I will not apologize for being a woman. I will not apologize for my thighs, stomach, arms or legs. I will not sit here and feel sorry for myself because I do not look like that 16 year old bikini model who hasn’t hit puberty yet. I am beautiful. I strive to be the Marilyn in the sea of Zendayas. I will honor, respect and love my body because I am healthy and happy. I am strong, fit and athletic. I have no need to be ashamed of who I am when in reality it’s society who is warping the standards. Media has made me feel sorry for who I am but no longer will I fall for this trap. I will eat what I want, when I want because that’s true life. I will not starve to be something technology has deemed as beautiful. I will live a happy, full life knowing that I am who I am for a reason.


I am beautiful, sorry Instagram.


  • Your ass-kicking, curvy, athletic and happy 19 year old girl.