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How To Catch People Off Guard

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Are you bored with your life? Me too. Over the past week, I have tried to find a solution to this tricky and cumbersome situation. After trying fencing, bungee jumping, and canoeing, I came to the conclusion that other people can really add to the “fun” aspect of life. Don’t you worry: the inventive tips found below will not only shock the people that come into your path, but also surprise you as well. Here is a series of activities that’ll be sure to catch people off guard and spice up your life:

  1. Unnecessary yodeling mid-day in the piazza.
  2. Waiting approximately three seconds before responding to anything. Have a look of serious contemplation on your face.
  3. Taking a deep, loud breath in and then sprinting down three stairs at a time in Dodge. I don’t recommend this, but I did see someone do it this week. It left me awed and speechless.
  4. Quoting yourself when talking to people.
  5. Walking into an elevator and not turning around, just staring the person right in the soul.
  6. Screaming RUSH PIKE at the top of your lungs. I have a friend that does this and this person says it’s a great stress reliever.
  7. Resting your head on a shoulder of someone you don’t know.
  8. Saying hello to a random stranger. I still have no clue why most people find this weird.
  9. If you are in your car and the car next to you has their window rolled down, start whistling. Then ask them to turn down their music in order for your whistling to be better heard as you are practicing for a professional whistling recital.
  10. Hanging your own, very large poster in your dorm hall lounge. Maybe just a picture of your face. Use your thriving creativity and make the most of it.
  11. Passing out flowers to strangers with little notes of pump up phrases to brighten their day. Examples: You are totally tubular. I hope your day is out of this world and as stellar as you are. Your bangs are bangin’.
  12. Using word play. I’m not sure why, but clever uses of puns really get people going. Luckily for me, this is my sense of humor. (Add punny statement here).
  13. Whipping (or nae nae-ing) out your stunning dance moves. Pull a Martha from High School Musical and hip hop it in the cafeteria.
  14. Spinning in circles on your way to class. Use of arm swinging may be dangerous and is not required for maximum fun levels.
  15. If you see your Tinder match, say “Hey, we matched on Tinder”. Wait for their reaction. Just like people think that you don’t see them while they are in their cars, people think that what happens on Tinder is “private”.
  16. Looking someone in the eyes and telling them that their life is a vital part to this world. No one could ever replace them. They’re making a large impact on people every day and are totally unaware of the half of it. Then say nothing else. Just walk away.

The point of this article is not necessarily so that you can catch people off guard, but rather to get out of the everyday mindset we put ourselves in and try something new. We may not be bored, but we could be a lot more excited about our daily life choices; each of us having the power to individually change this. We get so use to the habits of routine that we often find ourselves just going through the motions. I challenge you not to be that person. Surprise people. Thrill somebody. Switch up your daily routine because that’s the only way you will find out that you are more limitless than you’ve ever imagined. Hopefully this encourages you to reach out to a stranger and take a step out of your day-to-day comfort zone.