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Habits You Need to Break Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. Picking at your split ends.

It’s definitely temping to play with your hair when you’re bored in class and need something to do with your hands… but don’t! Pulling them apart actually makes the problem worse. It will leave the longer pieces of your hair thinned out, which means more tangles. 

2. Saying “like” every other word. 

The worst filler word ever! It is so easy to want to say “like” or “umm” in between thoughts, but at the end of the day, it will make you sound dumb, especially when it is obvious how often you’re saying “like.” You don’t want someone keeping a mental tally of how many times you say “like” instead of listening to what you are actually saying. Just take your time with your thoughts! It really just takes practice; imagine there is a little buzzer going off every time you say “like”. In no time you’ll be aware of this habit and on your way to breaking it.

3. Prefacing a question with “I’m sorry but..” or “this might be stupid.”

When people say there is no such thing as a stupid question, they are right! If you are confused about something, then just ask for clarification. There is absolutely nothing stupid or something you need to apologize for if you’re trying to understand something. Also, if you’re making a statement, don’t say it like a question – be confident in your answer.

4. Saying “it’s okay”… when it is really not.

If a friend does something that is really shady and you begin to work out the issue, never say, “it’s okay,” because it is not. You may be completely over it, but saying “it’s okay” is sending the wrong message that it was excusable. Practice saying, “I forgive you” instead. This allows you to express that there are no longer hard feelings.

5. Being polite at the wrong time.

Too often in uncomfortable situations, we are too polite. If someone is being inappropriate, violating your space, or giving you a weird vibe, do not be afraid to speak up for yourself or walk away without giving the person an explanation. It goes against the idea of being polite and friendly, but unfortunately sometimes being polite can get you into dangerous situations.