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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. It’s okay not to understand why something happened right away.

We want to comprehend it all, but sometimes we just have to let the situation play out for itself. At this time, we may not know what we want or even how we feel. Although it can seem crazy, this ‘not knowing’ can help us to live in the present. We can give ourselves to the moment and just live.

2. You find the people that will stand by you through everything.

You truly find some of your best friends in your hardest times. These are the people who will talk into the early hours of the morning with you, tell a corny joke just to make you laugh, or even sit with you in silence. It is vital to find the friends that would travel the world by your side, through all of the highs and lows.

3. Describing yourself can limit your possibilites. 

We are always changing. We are not only continuously giving ourselves to the things we do, but also taking in new parts of ourselves by the actions we take. Because of this trait, we have boundless potential to be anyone we want to be. Why not go out to make the greatest of ourselves?

4. You find yourself lost in a beautiful place that you may have not gone to otherwise.

Getting lost takes us to understandings that we have never been to before. These new discoveries can bring us to a whole new perception and way of living. Life is a surprise. Although you may have never imagined yourself ending up here, it is quite a wonderful place now that you have arrived. The unexpected adventures keep life exciting.

5. You will eventually figure out which path is best for you, regardless of what others believe.

One of the best parts about losing yourself can be the endless opportunities that show up in front of you. Ultimately, these moments bring a lot of clarity to what you really want and how you want to get there. Listen to your intuition and follow the path that best suits you. You will find yourself again, but take the time to enjoy where you are right now. It may take you to some pretty incredible places.