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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Dear acne,

I hate you. I know that I’m not supposed to hate things, because hate is a really strong word, but believe me, I absolutely despise you all the way down to my core. You have this stupid way of popping up when I least want you, and then you are so darn stubborn that you never leave. Consider this my formal request for you to leave me and my body for good. I absolutely hate you, and you should go away. 

You have a sneaky little way of popping up when I least need you- how do you know? Could you stop? I feel the building pressure under my skin of a doozy of a zit, and sure enough, two days later, I have both an incredible opportunity and an incredibly obnoxious zit. If you feel so inclined to give a me a giant pimple, could you save it for the day when I never leave my bed? Because you have this really bad habit of picking the absolute worst times- a date, an interview, a presentation. C’mon body, we’re supposed to be in this together.

Also, why do you feel the need to continually leave literal scars of yourself behind? I can be good, and leave you to die on your own, but alas, you die and leave an ugly scar. As if the memories of what you did to me wasn’t bad enough…

Long story short, I don’t like you. I wish you would leave me and never come back. You are the most toxic relationship I’ve ever been in, and you’re keeping me entrapped to your ugly ways. See ya neva!