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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Camp is one of those things that’s hard to describe to people who haven’t experienced it. I’m here to share why you should choose camp-as both a camper and a counselor-instead of other summer options like teen tours or internships. It’s easy to be lured into a teen tour and to travel with friends, but let’s be real. The teenagers who do teen tours are probably too young to truly appreciate traveling like that and those programs tend to be very touristy. Besides, that’s what study abroad is for when you are older and wiser in your college years. Am I right? And in terms of internships, everyone gets internships, that’s not really special anymore. If you’re looking for something to make you stand out to employers and just stand out as a great human being in general, choose camp.

Camp is where you learn how to be a team player. Not only do you participate in dozens of team games and sports where you have to work with other people, you live in a bunk with around 20 other individuals. This puts time management, integrity, and kindness to the test. Have you ever seen a bathroom shared by 25 girls? Have you ever tried to get 25 girls to shower in 45 minutes using only 4 showers? Can you imagine all of these things happening simultaneously and still loving those other girls in 7 weeks? Miracles do happen! Just kidding-more like respect and teamwork. In every situation, you learn how to act in a way that is not only beneficial to you, but also beneficial to the group. You have to consider the privacy, personal space, and feelings of other people, while also taking care of yourself. 

Not only does camp teach young people how to take care of themselves, it gives them the opportunity to be themselves. At camp, the weirder you are, the better! Camp is a place where problems with school, learning, bullies, families, and confidence are left behind. Instead, it is a welcoming place where no matter who you are or where you come from there is something special that you offer, and it is most certainly appreciated and cherished. Both campers and counselors have a tendency to come out of their shells and explore hidden parts of their personality. Campers participate in talent shows and try things like rock climbing or water skiing, and counselors sing and dance in front of the whole camp. It’s a place of exploration, self-esteem, and growth. 

There are few people in our lives that we know as well as the people we met at camp. You know the exact sound of both their laugh and their cry. You know their favorite foods, their favorite clothes, and their favorite dance moves. You know what annoys them and what scares them, and you know the exact moment that they need a big hug. You grow up together, and learn how to be supportive friends throughout the year. There’s really no friends like the ones you have from camp. One of the greatest things is that you will always associate these friends with positive childhood memories. Even when you are a counselor, there is something magical about the people you meet from all across the globe at summer camp. There are no words to describe how powerful it is to come together for the common goal of helping kids have fun and build their confidence.

For campers, camp is a place that is so different from the rigid and standardized ways of school. There are no tests, no desks in rows, and no cliques. There is no peer pressure or stress. Camp is literally and figuratively a breath of fresh air for children. Camp gives a space for creativity and expression. There are no cell phones or TVs or video games. There’s just good ole real conversations with other human beings. Spending a few weeks in nature away from technology and pressure is a necessary and amazing experience for children in today’s world. There are many connections to be made and new adventures to try that promote resilience, appreciation, and friendship.

For counselors, you will never laugh so hard, cry so much, or sleep so deeply. You will discover patience that you didn’t know you had, and you will learn how to manage conflict with ease. You will get to know your campers so well that you can detect when the slightest thing is wrong and know exactly what to do to help. You will literally see children’s lives change for the better right before your eyes. You will try new things and make new friends as well, but most importantly, you will make a difference in the lives of your campers. 

Choosing camp might seem like the easy way out or like a waste of time. But I assure you, from 11 years of experience, that camp is a powerful and unique place. If you are a parent considering sending your child to camp: DO IT! I tell my parents all the time that sending me to camp was the best thing they ever did for me in my entire childhood and I am not exaggerating. If you are a teenager considering a teen tour, consider the fact that traveling will always be an option for you. Countries aren’t going anywhere, but there is only a limited number of years that you get to be a camper, and camp really is the best way to spend those days. If you are someone looking for something to do over the summer, I encourage you to apply for a summer camp. I encourage you to take that step out of your comfort zone to see what the camp world has to offer. Learn about yourself and your skills in new ways, and become a role model for your future campers. Camp has made a difference in my life, and I know it can in yours too! I can assure you that you will make friends and memories to last a lifetime.