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California: As Told By A New Yorker

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

My summer led up to the moment where I packed up all my things, left the East Coast, and began a new chapter of my life all the way in California. Now that I’m here, people always ask, “What’s it like out there?”. So, here are the answers. 

It’s all about the beach. 

Yes, there are beaches in New York (New York is NOT just the city!). But here, you can make your weekend super chill and head over the beach, IN SEPTEMBER. Who would’ve thought it was possible?! Note to self, I need to step up my volleyball game and learn to surf so I can be a true beach-going Californian.

“I’m melting”

This is the phrase that pays. I have never been so hot in my life. The California sun just doesn’t want to die out… not even for a quick sec. Despite many complaints about the heat, this Cali weather has given me a tan that will probably never fade (hallelujah). Time to make all the East Coasters jealous *insert devil emoji here*.

Hella: The new fetch.

Hella what? Hella who? Hella hella? I don’t even know where to begin with this one. All around campus this term is thrown around almost as often as the drink machines are broken in the caf. Hella is not a word that is used back on the East Coast and to my surprise it is surely “a thing” out here. To be honest, I’ve tried to use it, but it doesn’t sound right. So just to be safe, I warn all you non-NorCal people to avoid ALL use of it (so you don’t get hella laughed at *wink wink*).

Relax, bro.

California has shown me that it’s great to slow things down and enjoy the nice (aka scorching) weather. Things are more relaxed out here, which is pretty opposite to what it’s like in the big apple. How often do college students get the chance to lay out pool side and tan? Here at Chapman we’re luckier than we think.   

Ride or die.

Literally. Either you ride your bike/skateboard/ long board or you get run over. I’ve never seen so many people skateboard in one area in my life. Since they’re the prime mode of transportation, I think it would be more than appropriate for me to take some lessons (and hopefully manage to live).

Where is this so-called season named fall?

After living in New York for the entirety of my life, September has been the hallmark of fall. The leaves begin to change colors and fall off of trees, the air gets cool and crisp, and everyone rages over PSL (pumpkin spice lattes — duh). However, in California, “fall” is just a continuation of summer, where the weather is still hot. Don’t get me wrong, who doesn’t love wearing shorts and tank tops all the time? Isn’t it odd that we are at the end of September and it still feels like summer — anyone? Ok, maybe it’s just me. It’s such a relief not having to wear heavy coats and winter boots. Sandals forever, am I right?

New York might have fall, four distinct seasons, and that “attitude”, but there’s something about California that truly makes it one of the #bestcoasts in the world.