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Braid of the Month: Stacked Braids Half Up Half Down Hairstyle

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Don’t you get tired of wearing the same hairstyle every day for class? Have no fear! Just keep reading to learn how to create the Stacked Braids Half Up Half Down Hairstyle! This braid will help keep the front pieces from falling in front of your face as well as get compliments!

I will be posting a new braid every month from now on to give you an idea of how to jazz up your day to day hairstyle! At least for me, I got annoyed that I couldn’t think of a new hairstyle when I wanted to try something new, so that’s why I did a different hairstyle every day of my sophomore year of high school. So I hope I can spread my knowledge of braids to you! Enjoy!

Step 1: Make a part line along your hair and if you can, make it as close to the middle of your head, so there’s an even amount on each side.

Step 2: Use a comb to section out a small chunk of hair from the front on each side of the part. Braid each side in a normal braid all the way down to the end and secure them each with an elastic.

Step 3: Gather a larger section of hair right next to the small braid you just created on each side. Create a Dutch braid on each side and gather more hair two to three more times on each side to make the braid thicker. Braid it all the way down to the end and secure them each with an elastic. In total, you should have four braids right now: two small braids and two large braids.

Step 4: Take the two large braids and try to pull out the sides to make it a wider braid — this is called “pancaking.” We are doing this so you can see it more when the small braids are stacked on top of them.

Step 5: Gather each of the braids at the back of your head and use an elastic to hold them together. Make sure that the small braids are lined up in the middle of the large braids — feel free to use bobby pins to secure them in place. OPTIONAL: wrap a small piece of hair around the elastic to hide it and bobby pin it in place.

That’s it! It’s basically just two small normal braids and two large Dutch braids put together. Hopefully this was easy to follow — feel free to look back at the pictures for help. Now you can look and feel like this!

San Francisco. Chapman University. Photographer. Braider. Disney lover. Traveler.