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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. We don’t like write-ups any more than you do!

It’s awkward. Really. And if you’re our resident, it’s even harder for us. Plus, no one likes writing an Incident Report at 2 a.m. on a Saturday. We’re not out to get you! We’re just doing our jobs: Trying to keep YOU safe.

2. That said, we have to write you up if you’ve violated a policy.

No, we can’t just let it slide. No, we can’t just say it didn’t happen. We saw the alcohol in your room, and we smelled the weed coming out of your door. We’re not about to lose our jobs over your party.


Honesty is the best policy! As RAs, we’re mandated reporters. Our job is document everything you say and do during an incident. We don’t determine your consequence, the RD does. So, it will look a lot better to an RD at your conduct meeting if you were honest about your violation right from the get go!

4. We’re people, too.

We all have lives outside our RA jobs. We still have to study, go to class, go to work and hang out with our friends from time to time. We’re doing the best we can.

5. When we say “Mandatory Community Meeting,” we really mean MANDATORY.

There is a lot of information you WANT and NEED to know, so come to the meeting!

6. We know what we’re doing—trust us!

To become a Chapman RA, we must go through an extensive application/interview process. We are carefully selected for our abilities to think on our feet and make the best decisions in a time crunch.


Yes, we know that the way to heart is through your stomach.

8. We’re here to help—not because it’s our jobs, but because WE ACTUALLY CARE.

Look, being an RA is hard work—it’s practically a 24/7 job. No one in their right mind does this if they don’t care about your Residence Life experience. We applied for this job because we care about you, and we want to make your experience at Chapman the best it can be. We WILL be there for you. *Cues “Friends” theme song*