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5 Fun and Creative Ways to Ask a Guy to Formal

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Formal (or date party) is just around the corner! You’ve thought about it for some time now and after careful consideration, you’ve finally decided who you’re going to ask. The only thing left to figure out now is how you’re going to ask the lucky guy! Of course there’s nothing wrong with outright asking him, but it’s always fun to ask in a cute and creative way.

Here are a few ideas to fuel your inspiration!

1. For the Sporty Guy: If he plays football, you could ask by writing “Formal?” on a football. It would be a great surprise after a hard day of practice! This same idea goes for almost any type of athlete. (Ex: A soccer ball for a soccer player, etc).

2. For Any Guy (Literally): Foooood! Like they always say, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach- so why not ask with a yummy pepperoni pizza or some hot wings? He would love it no matter what type of food you choose!

3. With a Decorative Poster: This is an easy (but definitely still cute) way to ask a guy to formal. It’s simple and you’re guaranteed a cute Instagram with the two of you holding the awesome poster you made!

4. With a Fake Parking Ticket: Okay, so this is a tad on the meaner side, but he would be so relieved in the end! Find the template of a parking ticket online to print out, write “Formal with ______?” on it, and finally put it on the windshield of his car. He’ll find it funny after he realizes it’s all a joke!

5. With the Help of a Local: Lots of restaurants and shops around the Orange Circle use chalkboard menus and chalkboard signs for advertisement. If you kindly ask the manager, you might be granted permission to temporarily add something short like, “______, formal? –Megan” on their chalkboard! He definitely wouldn’t be expecting to see that on the menu!

All photos are courtesy of Pinterest.com.