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5 Easy Ways To Disappoint Your Parents

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. Get a Bad Tattoo.

How about “No Ragrets” across your chest? Or something on your face?

2. Fail a majority of your classes.

The best way to really make your parents feel proud of you is to get grades as low as physically possible. Skip the homework, miss the quizzes, sleep through the final, and you’re bound to have to retake the course.  

3. Date someone who doesn’t have their life together.

 What better way to show your parents a lack of progress than to date someone who still sleeps under Batman sheets and gets tucked in by his mom?

4. Tell them about your fine art major.

Majoring in painting? Theatre? Or my preferred choice, creative writing? It’s a guaranteed way to make them regret paying your tuition. You can always pay them back when you’re successful, right?

5. Drop out of school entirely to pursue your dream of living in the wilderness.

Taking a step back towards your primitive roots is a great way to show your appreciation for all that your parents have done for you.


Danielle is a spoken word artist from Chicago and a nationally ranked slam poet who previously competed with the Los Angeles youth team. She has a strong fascination with sunflowers, a love for crows, and an addiction to tattoos.