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10 Things You Took For Granted When You Lived At Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

It’s always been something we wanted: independence. So much of high school is spent waiting to be in college, and once we get here, everything seems to be perfect. Almost.


1. The first and most obvious thing: Laundry.

While some of us might have done our own laundry at home, the simple knowledge of having others (a.k.a. your parents) there to support you through trying times (and maybe just take over and do it for you) was comforting enough.


2. Setting an alarm but knowing that, if all else fails, the scream of your parents from downstairs will wake you up.

The amount of times I’ve slept in only to wake up to my parents bustling around in the kitchen or waking me up with their phone calls is almost equivalent to the times I’ve just barely (emphasis on the barely) made it to school on time.


3. You always have someone to eat dinner with.

Let’s face it — as much as we say don’t care, it’s harder than you can imagine to build up the guts to eat alone. That sickening thud in your stomach when everyone in the group chat says they’re busy for dinner is just another reason for you to feel nostalgic about the days when you always had your family to eat with.


4. Good food.

No matter how good the burgers at the caf may be, there’s nothing better than food that doesn’t taste the same as the day before.


5. Pets.

Again, no matter how many dogs there are on campus, there’s nothing better than your own pet coming up for a cuddle.


6. Being able to be loud in your own room.

As much as we love our roommates (hopefully?), it’s hard to be quiet in the mornings while your roommates are still asleep. It’s hard not to miss getting ready with throwback Disney songs blasting in the background.


7. Being able to be alone.

Being with your friends 24/7 is great almost all of the time, but it’s hard not to yearn for the days where you could find peace just laying in your bed all day.


8. Transportation.

A good old throwback to when your credit card statements weren’t just a mile-long list of Uber receipts.


9. Being broke.

While we weren’t necessarily swimming in money in high school, it’s definitely easier to swindle — sorry, ask — for money from your parents in person than over text.


10. Nice showers.

As nice as standing in a confined space with the knowledge of however many other people have been in there is, it’s hard not to long for the days of bath bombs and nice showers.