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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Internships are a great opportunity to gain work experience in the field you are studying. Hands-on experience is the best way to really immerse yourself in a job and learn more than a classroom or textbook can teach. It’s also a great time to try out a field you think you might be interested in working in. Land your dream summer internship with these tips:

  1. Make your resume and cover letter stand out

Companies will receive hundreds of resumes and cover letters for a single job. Don’t have yours be another one they glance over. A resume should be one page and a cover letter short and to the point. Resumes and cover letters are your time to shine and really show who are and why you are a great fit for the positions.

2. Prepare for an interview

If you get asked to have an interview, research the company beforehand. Know their mission and current projects they are working on. Do a quick Google search and see why they’re in the news. You’ll really stand out if you can talk specifically about parts of the company you like and projects they are working on that you would like to be a part of.

3. Have a good attitude

Companies want a qualified employee, but also a person who has a great attitude. A company will recognize a go-getter and everyone wants to work with a team player.

4. Come as your best self

Arrive to the interview early and dressed professionally. I was advised when waiting to go into an interview to not be on my phone. I think it’s a great piece of advice because you do not want a potential future boss’ first impression of you to be you staring at your phone. They’ll be much more impressed to see you patiently and eagerly waiting.

5. Send a thank you note

One of my former bosses told me she has never not hired someone who sent her a handwritten thank you note. It shows you really care about the position and took the extra step.

Start early looking for internships and be sure not to miss the deadline. Have your resume and cover letter ready and with a great attitude you’ll be sure to land your dream summer internship.