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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Name: Kyle Delappe
Hometown: High Point, N.C.
Year: Senior
Major: Business
Favorite Coldstone/Yopo Flavor: Oreo
Favorite Study Spot: Bottom floor at the business school
Favorite Restaurant on Franklin: Sutton’s

Best Memory at Carolina: There was a basketball game against Miami my freshman year televised by ESPN. I was with my friends, and we saw two random seniors with their bodies painted but they needed an extra person to form the word “UNC.” These guys asked me if I wanted to join, and I said yes. They painted me up and we got on TV.

Celebrity Crush: Carrie Underwood. She is gorgeous, and she loves Jesus, and she can sing!

Favorite City: Charlotte. I’m a big North Carolina guy and I really like the atmosphere. It’s a big city but has a small-town feel.

Dream Travel Destination: Africa. A lot of my friends have gone on mission trips there, and they come back changed people.

Fun Fact: I actually live in an area in my hometown called Horneytown. Our sign was on the Ellen DeGeneres show for the top crazy town names in America.

Motto: 1 Corinthians 10:31 “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

When graduation rolls around in May, UNC is arguably going to lose one of its friendliest and most outgoing guys on campus. Whether it’s his infectious smile, perennial good mood, or encouraging words of advice, Kyle Delappe is a guy that makes a lasting impression. More than anything, Kyle is a people person and a devoted Christian; he enjoys the relationships he has with others and tries to make as many friends as possible. “My favorite aspect of Carolina has been the number of relationships I’ve been able to form. I’ve met some of the best people of my life here and I just love the friendships I have with them.”

Outside of class, Kyle loves watching movies, playing squash and hanging out with his friends. He is a huge fan of sports and loves Carolina basketball and the Carolina Panthers. Also, Kyle began work this year as a waiter for Alpha Chi Omega sorority and has loved the experience. “It’s just fun getting to know the girls and getting a paycheck and free food!”

He already has a job lined up after graduation at an investment bank in Raleigh and will participate in an analyst program for the following two years. Kyle will surely be successful, but he is not concerned with making a lot of money; instead, he would love to be a husband and father in the next ten years and have a fulfilling family life.
Kyle believes that he has experienced the best four years of his life and describes his senior year as phenomenal. “Getting my job early on was so great because I’ve just been cruising this year. Each and every day I am trying to enjoy it here because I’m going to miss it when I graduate.”

Sources: All photos provided by Kyle Delappe