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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Summer is over, and school is starting. This means that the days are filled with looking ahead to bright new adventures and getting excited for another chapter. But if you’re anything like me, that means you’re currently in the weird limbo state between two stages of life that you don’t pull out of as fast as everybody else does. That’s right; this is the time for adjusting.

Whenever I’m in a new environment or making a big switch between mental gears, it can take me a little longer than others to get used to things. Maybe it’s because I’m always a little nervous for trying new stuff, maybe it’s because it’s hard for me to break habits or maybe it’s because I’m truly a nostalgic gal at heart. Whatever it is, it can be a couple of weeks before I get all warmed up to what’s going on around me, and sometimes, it feels like I’m missing out.

Honestly though, that’s okay, and if that feels familiar to you, then there’s no need to feel like you’re lacking some of everybody else’s get-up-and-go energy. Sometimes, you don’t want your summers – or whatever season of life you’re coming out of – to end. Sometimes, you’re apprehensive about what’s ahead, and that makes total sense.

But the thing is, you will end up adjusting, and one day, you will look around and realize how perfectly comfortable you are in your new surroundings, and then one day you’ll be thinking back on this chapter and wishing you could hang on to it for one more second.

Don’t rush yourself, but don’t delay the inevitable either. There’s nothing gained from hanging on to the past, and there’s always something wonderful and worthwhile to look forward to. At a certain point, it’s time to pop your chin up, head out your door and take the new year on full force!

Ellie Baker

Chapel Hill '21

Ellie Baker is a junior studying English and Film Production and minoring in Writing for the Screen and Stage. When not working on a writing project, she can often be found buried in a sketchbook, rifling through thrift shops, or working as a pirate guide down at Bald Head Island.