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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

College is my full-time job. But, having fun is part of the college experience – just like going to at least one party in the disgusting basement of a frat house, or tailgating.

And having fun usually empties your bank account.

No one wants to have a part-time job in college, with a boss that forces you to work on a Friday, the only night you can afford not to do homework. But everyone wants money, so you hold your tongue and fake a smile.

I researched some ways to make extra cash from a flexible job that can work with my schedule, especially since I have to take 18 credits, next fall.

Pray for me, please. I need it.

Here are five side hustles that are perfect for college students and that you can start right now (and make last throughout the next year).

Sell Your Notes

Do you take pride in your note-taking skills? Put it to use, and don’t just brag about it. Treat it like a business: spread the word on social media, set your prices and show people some work samples.


Always find yourself reading your friend’s paper, ten minutes before they turn it in? Stop doing it for free. Charge them $5 per 100 words. Then, spread the word about your services.


Do you have a special skill, such as graphic design, photography, writing, editing, etc? Check out websites, such as Upwork or Freelancer! There are new job postings every day with freelancing opportunities.

Sell Your Clothes

Is there an old shirt in the back of your closet that you don’t wear? Revive it and sell it to someone who wants it. Poshmark and Thredup are calling!


Pretty self-explanatory – same thing as babysitting or dogsitting. People pay you to watch their house, which can include watering their plants or maybe playing with their cat. Try websites like TrustedHousesitters and MindMyHome.


I hope this article gave you some ideas on how to make money during the rest of your time in college. Everyone is talented at something – use it to your advantage!

Let’s all not be broke!

Jackie Sizing

Chapel Hill '21

Hello! My name is Jackie Sizing, and I am a junior at UNC-Chapel Hill. I enjoy writing about pop culture, lifestyle, and food!