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5 Girl Code Rules to Live: Roommate Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

1. Do not go after the guy your roommate is with

This never goes well. Why you thought it would even go well is beyond any logical explanation. If your roommate already has a guy, then go for another cute guy- or go single for the night. Flirting with her guy will only serve to create tension and jealousy between the both of you. Remember, you have to live with this person. Taking their man and leaving them bitter probably won’t work out so well with your living arrangement.

2. Keep up with hygiene

So you accidentally left that two day old pizza out…and your dirty laundry…and your makeup all over the dresser. Girls can get messy every now and then. However, you do not want your roommate to think that she is living with a slothenly creature that crawled from the depths of unwashed clothes. Keeping your side of the room clean will make your room look better and your relationship with your roomie better.  

3. Ask before you take their things

Your roommate might not care if you borrow their book without asking, but their toothbrush? There are just some things that you need to ask permission to use. When in doubt, always ask first. The last thing you need is WWIII because you thought it would be a good idea to borrow her tweezers.

4. Do not set 50 alarms in the morning

Buzzz. Buzzzzzzzzzz…BUZZZZZZ. SHUT UP. Wait, that last one wasn’t your alarm clock’s angry ringing. That was your furious roommate when you woke them up at 8 am when their class doesn’t start for another four hours. Oops. It’s difficult when you’re used to having multiple alarms wake you up in the morning, but you live with another person now. The maximum amount of alarms I would set is three. You have to be respectful of your roommate’s sleep, or they will kill you.

5. Don’t be rude

Living with someone is not a magical fairy tale where you will always get along. You will have disagreements; it’s inevitable. However, being rude or argumentative will only make matters worse. Even if you guys are fighting continue being civil and talk. The worst thing to do is ignore the issue and not talk to each other. That’s just a pit for resentment and other harsh feelings to grow and roam.

Follow these steps and live a relatively peaceful life with your roommate! Good luck!