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The 10 Best Websites for Distraction

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.
Let me guess: you’ve been staring at your computer for hours trying to write that paper on political thought. You’re supposed to include ten different sources and eight references from the book. I feel your pain.

After you’ve spent a solid four hours writing that topic sentence, I’m going to suggest you take a little (or long) break. There are plenty of things you can do during this break. You can wander to your friend’s room, turn on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, finish off that bag of Cheetos–you get the point. However, I’m going to suggest that you cruise around online on some of the most distracting, yet most entertaining websites the cyberworld has to offer.

This way, you remain at your computer just in case inspiration for your paper magically hits. Plus, when your roommate walks in you can say, “OMG, I’ve been sitting here working on this paper for 12 hours!” when in reality you spent four hours writing and the other eight being thoroughly entertained (she doesn’t need to know that and you still sound impressive). Here you have it, the best absolutely free websites to distract you online:

1. Stumbleupon.com
After taking literally one minute to create an account, this website will forever be your best friend. Here’s how it works: you enter your interests which can range from relationships, to cooking, to poetry, to quizzes, to dance music. Then, you hit the “Stumble” button and you’re instantly directed to website after website pertaining to your interests. I’ve gotten everything from cookie recipes, hilarious YouTube videos, awesome work-out routines and intelligence quizzes from this site. The best part? You can like or dislike each page so the website learns what kinds of things you like and can more accurately recommend pages that you will enjoy. Talk about technological advances!

2. Whenparentstext.com
This one is pretty self-explanatory and there is nothing required of you except to scroll and laugh. These are all actual texts from parents (sometimes even grandparents) that children submit. Not only will they remind you of your parents, but they’ll probably inspire you to text your parents more in hopes they’ll actually say something funny for a submission.

3. Dearblankpleaseblank.com
Let me give you a real-life example from this website: Dear America, you produced Miley Cyrus. Justin Bieber is your punishment. Sincerely, Canada. Curious yet? Go look at all the other hilarious ones on there.

4. TheCollegeTownLife.com
This is the perfect website for a college student to check out. The site constantly streams real college pictures, videos and stories. My favorite articles include, “The Ten People You Must Meet in College,” “How to Translate a Text Message,” and “You Know You’re a Freshman When…”

5. Textsfromlastnight.com
As the website title clearly states, these are real “texts from last night.” Mostly made for college students, you will spend hours on this site browsing the “best,” “worst” and “random” categories for your favorite TFLN. Not to mention, you’ll probably find a few that explain your friend’s Saturday night which you can then post on their Facebook wall for everyone to see.

6. Shoedazzle.com
I’m going to warn you now, this website can start as absolutely free but there’s no guarantees it’ll remain that way once you start browsing. This is no ordinary online shopping website, it’s personalized for your taste in shoes. You start by taking a “Fun Style Quiz” in which you click on which pairs of shoes are your favorites. Then, the site offers you personalized style picks every month. Added bonus: your first pair is 20% off and with free shipping. That’s a pretty good deal (just saying).

7. Facebook.com
Yes I know, Facebook is nothing new. However, it never fails to be a good site for distraction. There are endless activities you can do on Facebook to procrastinate. A few ideas include going through all your pictures to bring back some good memories, Facebook chatting (or video-chatting!) a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, stalking all your ex-boyfriends to see what they look like now and browsing the applications.

8. YouTube.com
This site is another classic. Check out these videos if you haven’t already: Dom Mazzetti vs. Bad Hook Ups, Gimme the Butt Cheeks, Chubby cupcake boy and If guys were like girls. Trust me, they’re all well worth your time.

9. Twitter.com
If you don’t have a Twitter, you probably have bigger issues than that paper right now.

10. Hercampus.com
I mean that’s where you found all of these great ideas for distractions, right?

Hopefully some of these websites made your night just a little better. Now before you go write that paper, what websites do you visit in order to distract yourself? Let us know in the comments section below.

Photos from Google images.

Sophomore, PR major at UNC