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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CCCU chapter.

Long distance relationships can often scare and put people off, however there are key foundations to having a strong relationship. Being in a long distance relationship does not mean your relationship will suffer.

The first and foremost in a relationship is trust, especially if its long distance. This means you have to understand each other’s availability. There is no point texting, calling or wanting to Skype if the other has a busy schedule and be sure to be respectful of this: understand that you cannot be at each other’s beck and call. 

In general in terms of relationships, you have to have trust in each other.

If they tell you they are going out for the night: what’s the point texting them when you know they are not going to reply. He/she is on a night out – leave them to it. You wouldn’t expect them to constantly message you whilst you are on a night out with your friends, so don’t do it back. Don’t become paranoid that your partner will be unfaithful, or will lose interest all because of one night out.

Some couples can’t go twenty minutes without talking, and with other couples’ lack of communication leads to problems. It’s important to have a balance of spending time with each other, and space. It is also important that you speak to each other regularly. This way you both keep a healthy interest, without losing touch.  Long distant relationships are tough, so when the time comes that you can finally spend time together in person, its important you cherish the time you spend with your partner, and appreciate what you do when you are with them.

This doesn’t mean you constantly have to go out for a romantic dinners, but just enjoying time together whether it is watching a film, listening to music or even just take a walk around town. It’s the simple things that help the strength of a relationship.

These “tips” are some of the things we feel are very important to keep in mind, with not just long distant relationships, but relationships in general.