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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

Hello HerCampus Readers! We are back in action with the 2019-2020 School Year. This year I am a Junior taking five, yes, five, English classes! No more general courses, I’m getting into my major courses! I am excited about the journey with my articles this year. I most definitely will be tackling movie reviews and my advice/my thoughts in articles. This summer was definitely for the books! A lot of people wanted to have a summer like Summer 2016 but I knew it wasn’t going to be.


This was a Hot Girl Summer for sure and it’s going to continue on. It’s going to be a Chilly Girl Fall. I’m going to create phrases for all the seasons and I hope that you all are willing to ride with me. This summer I traveled all over the country, like North Carolina, Atlanta, and Connecticut. I was determined not to stay in one place during the summer due to the events that occurred last summer. I was miserable and definitely learned my lessons.


This school year we are coming in with goals! We are only moving forward never backward. As a college student we typically always have that goal for a 4.0. But sometimes we have to be realistic. Now for me, I actually do think I can get one this semester and I hope many of us can. It’s a great accomplishment. 


I most definitely think that once the college students get their grades during the summer and see our GPA from the spring term, we realize that we want to do better. I hope that we all keep that same drive and dedication for the rest of our college matriculation. Additionally, I’m hoping that we all accomplish all the goals that we have. This then goes along with staying positive and having to stay strong during the semester. 

I feel as if this semester everyone should focus on their mental health. That’s what I focused on this summer. I did a lot of slow thinking. I didn’t let things stress me as they used to and I’m continuing to do that with hopes to improve my attitude more. Furthermore, I think everyone should go to therapy. This includes traditional therapy and non-traditional. Everyone should just go and talk to someone they feel comfortable with. Just like going to the doctor for a physical people, should most definitely go to a therapist I say I least 6 times a year. I believe as college students we should be going more often. If I had the time, I would. 

No distractions! It’s hard to hold yourself accountable and not procrastinate in college. But some type of way we have to stay strong and push to this finish line that we can almost see. Everyone is in the process of crossing the finish line, but we are still jogging. College is a marathon and we are all going to cross the finish line eventually.


Good Luck on this school year and be ready for the articles!


Hey! I am Terri Blige a Senior English Major with a Concentration of Creative Writing at Thee Clark Atlanta University. I am from Connecticut. I am proud to say that I am a writer for HerCampusCAU