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Seven Business (and Marketing) Ideas That Are College Girl Friendly: Part One

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.


    One thing I’ve learned over the course of my Freshman year would have to be the importance of financial literacy. For the next three weeks, I will be discussing exactly what that means, how to save, balance multiple incomes, and become financially stable. All of this can be done with or without a business, but I’ve decided to curate a list of seven business ideas for college students. 

    Before starting your own business, you might want to take into consideration your audience/demographic. Consider your personal brand as well. Who are you? What do you represent? What region do you reside in? Are you active on social media? These are all important factors to think about before launching a business. These factors determine what type of customers/clients you will attract.

    For instance; If you attend college in NYC or LA, you can launch anything, being that they are both considered fashion districts. So, a swimsuit line in NYC or a fur headband line in LA won’t be a bad idea. However, trying to sell fur products in South Carolina might not be a smart business decision unless you have a following on social media. It’s all about your demographic. Consider the type of people you go to school with or reside by and capitalize off of it.

    Without further ado, here are seven business ideas that are college girl (or guy) friendly. 

1. Swimsuit Line

If you attend an HBCU, live in a warm area, or attend a school near/in a major city: this applies to you. You can either manufacture or outsource your swimsuit collection. Traveling is becoming more popular in our generation because we are actually able to afford it. Destinations such as Miami, Los Angeles, Turks and Caicos, and Cancun are common vacation spots.

Marketing Strategy: Stick with one swimsuit style and produce it in various shades/prints. If you’re outsourcing, try to find unique pieces and put together an even more unique photoshoot. Remember, marketing is everything. Sometimes, it’s not what you sell – it’s how you market it.

2. Strip Mink Lashes

This business idea is popular across the globe. Businesses that cater to women usually gain a lot of attraction, popularity, and customers! The beauty industry is very rewarding; both financially and physically. Being that strip mink lashes are so specific, you can really hone in on this product and master it. That is what makes being a business owner so exciting. After selling one product or providing one service for a long period of time, you learn new things about the industry and/or whatever product you’re selling.

Marketing Strategy: Although selling strips are common, it’s all about how unique your business is. Don’t let that deter you from starting. Put effort into everything, no matter how trivial it is. I.E, packaging, accessories, lash cases, business cards, etc.

3. Eyelash Extensions

Similar to selling strips, but not quite. Eyelash extensions are a great alternative for those who do not want to deal with putting on strips everyday. It’s also a reason to not wear makeup. With a full set of lashes, makeup truly is not needed. See how easy it is to persuade someone to get extensions? That’s exactly how you would go about marketing this. When it comes to providing a service, the number one factor is trust. Your potential and current clients have to trust you. You want them to come back and tell their friends about you.

Marketing Strategy: One of the great things about starting a service business is how your clients can literally turn into a walking billboard. So, make sure you do a good job on everyone regardless of your relationship with them!

4. Plates of Food

This is extremely popular on and off college campuses. People love food and they certainly love to eat out. Regardless of what state you’re in, i’m sure plates of food/dessert would gain a lot of customers. Also, you can literally sell anything! Pizza, burgers, ice cream sundaes, chocolate covered fruit, salads, smoothies, etc. Think outside the box. What do you crave at 10PM when the cafe is closed? What do you crave at midnight where you’re home & bored?

Marketing Strategy: Let your customer feedback and photos/videos of your food speak for itself! Make sure every plate has a good presentation so your customers can take pictures/videos of it and post it on social media.

Want more business ideas? Be on the look out for a link to part two

Freshman at Clark Atlanta University from New York City. Business Administration major & Fashion Merchandising minor.