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Hello, Good Morning: 8 Tips for Starting Your Day in the Right Ways

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

Growing up I would often hear that mornings are the most important part of your day. It wasn’t until about the 11th grade that I realized just how important they were. Junior year of high school was a very pivotal time in my life. It was the first year that I actually experienced large amounts of stress. The work was more challenging, balancing schoolwork and my social life wasn’t the easiest, and on top of that I began applying for colleges. Stressful and moody days were inevitable. This is when I realized how important it was to start my morning off in ways that would get me excited and able to tackle the day ahead of me. I began to do little things that would make mornings less of a burden. Now that I am in college I find that it’s even more important for me to follow these tips, so I have compiled a list of the steps that I have taken that have helped me have a great morning and also a great day!

  1. WASH OFF YOUR MAKEUP/PICK OUT YOUR OUTFIT-  Washing off your makeup, and picking out your clothes for the next day are tips that make your morning run much smoother. Washing your face should be happening regularly. Taking care of your skin should be a priority, so to prepare for bed I like to use Neutrogena makeup removing wipes and then cleanse my face with either St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub or St. Ives Nourished & Smooth Oatmeal Scrub + Mask. Both of these face washes make your skin feel smooth and refreshed. The next thing you should do is pick out your clothes. Picking out your clothes for the next day does not mean that you have to lay out all your clothes on the nightstand before you go to bed (I haven’t done that since my freshman year of highschool). However, it is beneficial to have an idea of what you’re thinking about putting on just to avoid having to rush. For me, the weather directly impacts what I am going to wear. If you check the weather and see that it’s going to rain, your outfit might not be on the poppin or extravagant side. To compensate, maybe you decide to put on a little bit more makeup. Whatever you decide to do always make sure you’re moving timely – don’t do anything extra that might make you late for that 9:00 class.

  2. GO TO SLEEP AT A DECENT TIME! This might be one of the most important tips I have to share. Going to sleep at a decent time has direct correlation with how your morning will go. Personally, if I go to bed any later than 1 a.m., I already know how my morning is gonna go. Very slow. I’d probably just throw on sweats and a t-shirt, no makeup and a hat to cover the bags under my eyes while walking to class. I hate these days because I don’t feel as good as I would feel if I had taken time to get myself ready. So just do yourself a favor, stop scrolling on Twitter, put your phone down and go to sleep. You won’t miss anything I promise!

  3. SET A NICE ALARM TONE- This tip might not be as important for you but I learned that it’s something that had an affect on my morning. One morning I set an alarm that sounded like an ambulance and I woke up in such a bad mood. I prefer to set my alarm to songs that I know aren’t so abrupt and loud. Right now my alarm is “All We Got” by Chance the Rapper. I wake up humming to it, and overall I’m just in a better mood than I would be in if that loud siren was blasting in my ear. (I’m not a super heavy sleeper so I have no trouble waking up when the music plays, but if you are a heavy sleeper you might need that siren alarm)

  4. GOSPEL MUSIC = MAJOR KEY- Personally this step is what is most responsible for making my mornings better. This may seem small but it will definitely change the vibe of your day. I like to plug up my phone to my speaker and turn on upbeat gospel music while I’m either getting dressed or putting on my makeup. J Moss, and of course Kirk Franklin are my go to’s when I wanna hear something that will get me excited about the day. I also look up the Fred Hammond radio on Apple Music and I let that play. Gospel music naturally makes me feel joyful. While the music is playing i’m able to worship God and thank him for the day.  

  5. LIGHT BREAKFAST- NEVER LEAVE YOUR HOUSE FOR THE DAY WITHOUT EATING SOMETHING! This is something that I am trying to work on myself. Eating is such an important factor in determining how the rest of your day will be. You do not wanna be the girl whose stomach is talking more than the professor! (I’ve been there and it is not a fun place to be). Big breakfasts are great (and if you’re in college and are able to eat a big breakfast every morning, I’m jealous). However, having to eat that big breakfast might take up a lot of your getting ready time. I like to munch on either dry cereal or maybe a granola bar while getting ready. Walmart also has these apple slices that come with caramel that I’ve been eating lately. They are really good and can be eaten while you’re putting on your makeup or something. Just eat something that is quick and will satisfy you until after you get of your class and get some real food.

  6. MAKEUP- Lately more women have been “declaring their independence from makeup” after singer Alicia Keys proclaimed that not wearing it made her feel free. I’ve also been seeing a lot of tweets and posts about how women in college shouldn’t wear makeup to class; which I don’t agree with at all. Wearing makeup to class is okay.  Not wearing makeup or putting it on minimally is cool, but it doesn’t make you any less studious if you decide to wear some Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Kit highlight on your cheeks. When you look good, you feel good. And if you feel good chances are you’ll have a good day.

  7. ADMIRE YOUR CUTENESS- Feeling like you’re beautiful is important. When you’re finished getting dressed, eating, and putting on your makeup and have a little extra time before having to leave your room, just look at yourself in the mirror and admire your cuteness! It’s okay. Loving yourself if a major key to being happy, so turn up your favorite song, put your favorite snapchat filter on your face and make a few lip syncing videos!

  8. PLAY MUSIC ON YOUR WAY TO CLASS- A 2011 study published in Nature Neuroscience found that music can trigger the brain to release dopamine, which improves your mood and can make you feel happier. I like to walk to class listening to Dancehall music, R&B, and some rap because I know that for the most part the songs will be upbeat and get me energized.

I hope that my tips to a good morning/good day were helpful!

My name is Chelsea Michael from Brooklyn, New York. I am a freshman fashion merchandising major