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Are Dress Codes Really Necessary?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.



Ask yourself this: Are risqué outfits the reason my grades are slipping? Do short skirts REALLY affect how I learn?

Do we really need someone telling us what we can and cannot wear in a classroom? We are here for learning but we are also adults who should be able to control ourselves. Recently, an article by Vibe Magazine was brought to my attention. It was a well written interview of a former Morehouse College student who wore female clothes on campus. When the Administration became aware of the students known as “The Plastics”, a dress code was enforced stating that certain clothing items were not to be worn on campus. That student eventually transferred but that does not change who he is or the things he believes in. Was he any less of a Man of Morehouse because he chose to wear something other than a suit? Written rules like the ones saying White people and Black people couldn’t date or that Black people couldn’t attend school with White people, those are the written rules that are no longer written. They were wrong, just as it is wrong to say a man can’t express himself in the way he believes in his heart is right.

Now, I bet you’re wondering, “Why is she bringing up this old article? Does she want to start drama? I thought she was all about loving her HBCU?” Well… yes, you are correct. I love my HBCU and what HBCUs stand for, but I will not turn a blind eye to things I believe are wrong. I’m simply using this as an example. I would also like to point out the fact that Hampton University does not allow dreadlocks in their business program which I find very strange at a historically BLACK university. Do we now believe that a representation of our heritage is not “corporate” enough? Are we really trying to build identical replications of the same person? It’s important that, as college students, we are able to express ourselves freely. We are still developing and transforming into the young people that we are meant to be. I find it hard to believe that we can’t be black and express our blackness in the blackest of spaces.

These are just things I want you to think about. We are in a new time where things are constantly changing. We are not living in the 50s believe it or not. Women love women and men love men and, sometimes, men want to dress as women. Who are you to say that it is not okay? I thought HBCUs were made for us? Has something changed? Is the only US we’re talking about the US who look “normal” and stick to the usual? I’m sorry, but times are changing. You either get with it or you get left behind. If we can’t express ourselves at the places made FOR us, where can we?

Credits: Vibe MagazineThumbnail & Gif

Hi! I'm Aliyah, a Senior Business Administration major with a concentration in marketing from PG County, Maryland. I spend my time watching YouTube videos, Netflix and reading books. I love all things storytelling.