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3 Helpful Ways To Keep Your Sanity While In College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

Being in college is not easy at all. Trying to maintain a decent grade point average, being involved in organizations on campus, and then trying to have a social life is not as simple as it might sound. While in college some students go through obstacles. Some of these obstacles can include; being homesick, classes, dealing with a significant other, or you can just simply be overwhelmed. Yes, you can always go to friends and family but sometimes they don’t have the answers to your problems. With that being said, here are three helpful ways to cope with stress in college.

1) Breathe/Cry

Have you ever experienced the moment when you were taking a test, and your mind is racing off the charts? The first thing you should do is breathe. Breathing does not only come in handy when you are under pressure but in any situation. Taking a inhale slowly through your nose is getting fresh oxygen to your brain. After holding it for around three seconds then exhaling is a way to help you calm down. When you are feeling frustrated, irritated, or feel like you need to cry, for a minute to breathe. Crying sounds horrible but it’s actually great for your body. You should cry when you need to, everybody goes through emotions. Remember that you’re human. 

2) Listen To Music 

Everyone should have a playlist on their phone titled “Calm Down.” In my “Calm Down” playlist there are nine Erykah Badu songs. If I don’t listen to Erykah Badu in the morning it just means my day is going to be horrible. Your playlist, on the other hand, does not have to be Neo-Soul. It could be any music that calms you down. Going back to the previous tip, you can breathe while listening to your music or even while you cry.  If the music does not calm you down, you should have music that puts you in your right mind. Having a few songs on your phone that makes you happy when you are feeling overwhelmed is a great coping mechanism. You can even have a playlist for different moods. I.e I have an “In My Feelings Playlist” and a “Rock” playlist. 

3) Journal 

There’s something about writing down your feelings and thoughts that is better than just talking about it. When it comes to writing in a journal, it is a form of expression that allows you to talk to someone without getting judged or criticized for what you did. Writing in a journal is a good outlet and putting thoughts/ideas on paper are powerful. For some, it’s like anything else. It can be used as a release. You can use a journal to talk about your day, experiences, situations, ideas, accomplishments, fears or even goals. While writing you can then look back at what you have written to see how much you have grown as a person. Having a journal is a way of making you more powerful as a person. 

Hey! I am Terri Blige a Senior English Major with a Concentration of Creative Writing at Thee Clark Atlanta University. I am from Connecticut. I am proud to say that I am a writer for HerCampusCAU