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Your Solidarity Counts! | What You Can Do To Help People In Quarantine Times

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Suddenly, everything has changed. Like never before, the Vinicius de Moraes’s quote “Suddenly the laughter broke down” fits our lives. Looks like it was yesterday: January 1rst, 2020, a new decade was beginning, sparkling hope and happiness, making us desire brand new things, feelings and dreams. But, while we were celebrating, China was already facing one of the worst existent virus, the new Coronavirus (COVID-19). In a short period of time, it was no longer possible not to worry about the accelerated spread of the new virus and, in a few weeks, all the world’s continents were infected.

During this hard time, all nations are doing their best to hold the virus effect in lives and economy, but one of their measures to stop the accelerated spread of the virus was to decree a quarantine period of a total social isolation. Right after the announcement of the mandatory isolation, dreams were interrupted, jobs have been lost, family and friends gathering was putted on hold. But even when everything seems to be lost, like there isn’t any way out, no relief, it comes out the best of us: our solidarity!

Ever since the world started to pass through this tough moment, many people came up with good ideas to help others, even though we must keep a distance from them, especially from the elderly ones. So, here are some tips of what you can do to help people face this quarantine and isolation times. Check them out on the list below! 

Go shopping at the supermarket to elderly people 

The young people had the idea to voluntary themselves to go to the supermarket to those who cannot leave their houses because they are part of the risky group (which means, the most vulnerable to the virus). So, after offering yourself to help, you just need to ask those people to make a list of what they need at home, so they give the list and the money to you – without any physical contact – and you go shopping for them. Easy, isn’t it? Just remember that even being younger, you are also taking risk to be infected by the COVID-19, so don’t forget to protect yourself by using masks when you go shopping – your life is also important. 

If you are an artist – famous or not – that’s the perfect time to show up your great talent!

Have you ever thought that during tough times we resort to art? Music has always been the best option to relax and feel better, just like Vinicius de Moraes’ says “music is like the flight of a seagull in the dawn of new sounds”. So show up your talent to your neighbors from the balcony or the backyard, or in your timeline in your social medias. This is something that many famous artists has been doing to bring happiness to people by performing free concerts and also doing their part, collecting the money from the audience and converting it into donation to those who need. A very good example of this kind of solidarity is a carioca fireman that has been playing his saxophone in the top of the firetruck in every district of Rio de Janeiro, including in shantytowns, to bring joy to the population. Remember, you are not only bringing happiness to people, but also getting known by them!

Leave hygienic products and staple food in baskets scattered around the city to homeless people

When we talk about homeless people, we unfortunately are used to ignore them especially during hard times. They usually maintain their lives with food donations and alms given by people who are passing by them at some street. But during isolation times, nobody is at the streets, so this vulnerable population starts to hunger more than they used to. Thinking about this, some people had the idea to scatter baskets containing staple food and hygienic products in order to give to homeless people. The idea got even better after an NGO called “Hamburgada do Bem” installed tents with volunteers cooking to homeless people and also installed washbasins in specific points in downtown so they can wash their hands. So you can be a volunteer, food or money donator and help those who also need us! 

Make homemade masks!

Unfortunately, during this quarantine time, many people have lost their jobs. In the meantime, all the protection masks used by healthy professionals to avoid the spread of the virus from their airways and spittle has ran out because everybody was looking for those masks and, due to the isolation decree, the factories has stopped the production. Luckily, some of those who are unemployed decide to produce homemade masks to sell or donate to the ordinary people, so that they stop buying the ones specific to the doctors and nurses. So, if you know how to sew and have a sewing machine, you can do your part and produce masks to you and to your relatives. You can also sell it – for a lower price – or donate to NGOs, nursing homes for elderly and orphanages. Hands on!

If you still thinking that all of this solidarity acts are not enough, make money donation to public institutions, NGO and UNICEF

The world is going through a very delicate moment. Unfortunately, we are losing many people, beloved ones, and even though we don’t actually knew the ones who died, we can feel their families’ pain. Thinking about this, let’s do something to try to stop the virus spread, especially among the vulnerable ones! Many artists are donating million dollars to hospitals to buy hygienic and protection products, and also to universities, in order to give inputs to the possible vaccine studies. Beyond that, you can also donate money to Doctors Without Borders, a NGO which doctors from the whole world, since 1971, has worked voluntarily to save lives in poor countries and continents, like Africa, and now, more than ever, they need your contribution or even better, your presence as a volunteer doctor or nurse. You can also donate money to UNICEF, institution aimed to help children around the world with everything they need, in this case, medical assistance.

long distance relationship

These are only the main solidarity attitudes that people around the world are taking in order to help others. This is such a delicate moment that we need to rely on our beloved ones without forgetting that we can allow others to rely on us. Now, everyone needs everyone. If those tips made you think about a new way to help others, go there, help them! Everything counts, so write letters and poems, sing, dance (with yourself just like Billy Idol suggested), act, paint, cook, volunteer, teach, donate, read to someone, pray, smile, exercise, take care of your mental health and protect yourself so that you can protect others. Hold tight, we got to keep dancing even when the lights go out!


The article above was edited by Helena Cardoso

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Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.