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Why Do We Love To Base Our Lives On Astrology?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Astrology has become more and more popular nowadays. This popularity can be explained by the growth of this subject on social media, where we are able to find youtube channels and Instagram accounts that produce contents designated to this public, impassioned by Western astrology.

Well, before going straight to the answer you are looking for, shouldn’t we first understand a little more about the zodiac and the things that form it?

The beginning

The Western Astrology had its origin in the Greek civilization, during the Hellenistic period, and is formed by twelve signs: aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo , virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius and pieces. 

According to the astrologer Mari Amaral, astrology and astronomy used to be the same thing in the past, but, with the development of astronomy scientific studies, some things started to not make sense anymore. A rupture became necessary, so astrology definitely isn’t a science. However, she affirms that “it’s not because something isn’t a science that it isn’t important, it isn’t real”. This can be reinforced by the fact that, in actuality, we have many researches about sensitivity, trying to explain and quantify energy, and the impact that it has on our body.

Furthermore, it’s important to say that people who don’t believe in astrology are mostly influenced by the fact that it cannot be considered a science, although the part of the public that knows about that is very little. For example, the daily horoscope, published by newspapers, magazines or even in blogs, is just a resume of astrology to something that can be consumed in a fast way. This explains why most people can identify themselves with just a part of what is saying about their solar sign.

Understanding astrology

Mari said that the only way to have more identification with astrology is by studying your birth chart, since we have all the twelve signs in it. So, contrary to common sense, our personality isn’t determined only by our solar sign. For instance, our moon will represent the changes of our emotions during the day, as so our rising will indicate how we are seen by the world, and our venus shows our deepest feelings, the way that we fall in love.

The birth map is governed by planets, and the most feared one is mercury, especially when it is retrograde. The astrologer explained that it happens as a result of its responsibility on communication: “All planets become retrograde, but mercury received this bad fame because it interferes in the exchange of relations, transportation and our routine”. On the other hand, retrograde mercury is an important moment to reflect about our lives, like if it is the best moment to start a new business or a relationship, for example.

Why do we love it?

Now that you have learned a little bit about this fantastic world that is astrology, we come back to the main question. Why do we love to base your lives on it?

As an astrologer, Mari Amaral believes that there are two things that are important. The first one is to try to understand what belongs to the sensitive world. “When we understand that life is much more than just making money, having fights with partners and eating something good, that the material world isn’t supporting all that. It’s really nice to notice that there are things we know about, but can’t put in words, to have this quest for the mysterious, hidden”, she adds. The second one is using astrology as an instrument of self awareness.

In brief, it’s possible to not believe in astrology, but we can’t ignore that its popularity and importance is a fact, mainly now after a pandemic, where more and more people are looking to learn about themselves.


The article above was edited by Milena Casaca.

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Giulia Troncoso

Casper Libero '25

Vivemos em um momento onde a área da comunicação, em especial o jornalismo, se encontra como algo muito necessário por trazer conhecimento a vida das pessoas nessa era de desinformação. Me encontrei nessa profissão já que fui sempre apaixonada por escrever, falar e furar a minha bolha, conhecendo o quão diferentemente maravilhoso o mundo pode ser, contado através de histórias e da vivência das pessoas.