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What Casperians Thought About Beauty and the Beast

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

March has arrived and with it one of the most waited movies of the year: Beauty and the Beast, adaptation in live action of Walt Disney’s classic tale, starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens. The movie debuted on March 16th and has already broken historic records, becoming the most profitable musical in film history, in a week, the movie grossed U$ 541 million dollars. Despite the great success, the movie divides opinions.

Juliana Avila, a journalism student at Cásper Líbero College, commented that Disney has been able to blend ideas very well. “It was a very good mix of animation with fresh ideas” she said.

Before the movie’s release, there were many judgments about choosing Emma Watson to represent Belle, but the actress did well. “It was all very good, especially Emma, who has her image very attached to the character Hermione, but she managed to deconstruct this in the movie”, complimented Leticia Duarte, a Cásper Líbero’s student.

Besides Emma’s performance, another controversial thing about the movie was the unpublished songs. It had a good acceptance by the fans, but some of them argue that the movie should contain only the original songs of the animation. One of the new songs is “Evermore”, that the Beast sings to demonstrate all his pain after Belle leaves the castle. Not everyone approved the song. Rita Corazza, a Cásper Líbero’s student, thought the song was a bit unnecessary, “the music is very dramatic, but nothing that spoils the magic of the movie”.

Débora Lima, a Cásper Líbero’s student, argues that the alterations added to the movie were necessary and didn’t compromise the original history. “Despite the changes made, the movie kept very faithful to the cartoon. Beauty and the Beast has always been one of my favorite fairy tale, so it’s very nostalgic. I was very moving”. Regardless of being a tale as old as time, the history continues to enchant generations. With captivating characters and thrilling songs, the movie thrills people of all ages. A classic is always a classic. The movie is in theaters all over the world… go and live this emotion.

Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.