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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

If you haven’t watched “It” or it’s sequel, this text contains spoilers, so here’s our ultimate warning, SPOILER ALERT!

The continuation of the horror saga It (2017) was finally released in Brazilian theaters, on September 5th, ending the story of the clown who terrifies The Losers Club. “It” has gained a lot of fans, for many different reasons like the movie’s idea of ​​mixing horror with comedy, the iconic characters and the mysterious story that captivates the viewer’s attention since the first moment.

The second movie was also inspired by Stephen King’s book and it begins in the city of Derry with an impactful scene. There’s this homosexual couple, they seem to be having fun in a festival until they’re beaten, almost to death, by a group of homophobic teens. The kids decide to throw one of them into the river, while the boyfriend is immobilized on the floor, in agonizing pain. That’s when Pennywise appears to “save” the drowning boy.

All of this happens 27 years after the knowing events and the feared clown is finally back, commiting murders. The children we met in the past are now grown adults, living far from Derry, when they receive a call from Mike, the only one left in their hometown. He tells the rest of the group to return home, but the friends are no longer close to each other and they also have forgotten their adventures with the hideous creature.

Image Source: IMDb

The movie is full of jokes, some of them said in bizarre situations with a big spotlight. Not that they’re not funny, but there’s the feeling that the film’s director, Andy Muschietti, didn’t try to innovate and surprise the viewer in this continuation, but to overstate the element that stood out in the previous one.

It is possible to notice that the film wanted to be discreetly military in some scenes, which is very interesting, however, ended up giving a superficial image when it approached some topics. Especially when it recounts a 27 years ago the memory of Richie during the summer – who has always stood out in the plot, whether for the character’s contagious humor or the impeccable performance of Finn Wolfhard (Stranger Things) in the scene which hints the character’s homosexuality and later, at the end of the movie, he has a brief moment of self-acceptance on this unresolved issue. But all of this is covered of shallow form, leaving those who are watching frustrated, even if the focus of the movie is another one.

Over the course of the 2 hours and 50 minutes of the movie, a lot of things happen, like Stalin‘s suicide, Bill‘s connection with a boy who lives in his old house and has the same destiny of George and the brief love triangle between Ben, Beverly and Bill. These three events, specifically, could have been better addressed during the story or cut of the script by the director, as the delivery of each one’s conclusions was so scant. Finally, Beverly discovers that the passionate letter was written by Ben and they kiss after fight against their own fears – typical of Pennywise.

Image Source: IMDb

Horror lovers may not like the movie very much, either because of the exaggeration of visual effects on creatures that frighten losers or the very predictable scares, especially for those who are familiar to the genre. The trailer can be very creepy too but it’s far to be a story that can take your sleep at night.

On the other side, one thing that was flawless was the choice of cast representing the adult losers. If the first part of the saga has already drawn affection and empathy for the characters, at the second part it’s seems you belonged of the Loser’s Club. What also caught attention was the incredible physical resemblance between kids characters and their adult version, especially Eddie.

And each one’s way also fulfilled their younger allegiance, it seemed that nothing had changed, that they had never moved away, and they were exactly the same children who had previously founded The Losers Club. It will definitely stay in our hearts and leave the feeling of nostalgia. The movie was loyal with peculiarity of each one when they’re young, giving sense that nothing was changed and those was the same children that founded before The Losers Club. Farewell, losers!

Caroline Andrade is a Journalism student at Cásper Líbero College. She loves writing about fashion and female universe.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.