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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

TikTok is one of the most popular apps nowadays, especially among teens and young adults. It was rated by more than 750,000 users in the App Store and marks the worship rate at 4.9 – with 5 being the maximum. In addition, the network is expanding very quickly and, according to the Annie Intelligence platform, which analyzes statistics of social networks, TikTok will reach 1 billion users soon. So if you have the ambition to become a content creator on TikTok but doesn’t know how to start posting videos yet, check out these tips to grow your profile on the app!

Define Your Content

It’s very important to create videos with a defined type of content to turn it in your axis. Bringing videos with diverse contents makes your image unrelated to any of them, making it difficult for your account to grow in the app. After all, the audience that will follow you is attracted by the type of content you create.

Be Active On The Platform

For the platform to understand that you are a content creator, it’s ideal to publish videos every day. There’s no need to post more than one video a day, but if you want to, that’s OK! In that case, the tip is not to publish videos in a tiny space of time: always leave a blank of a few hours between the videos.

The Illusion Of Trends

Trends are good for boosting your videos when the audio or filter used on the video is hyping. However, this type of video is considered as content replication. Therefore, the social network understands that your account is from a navigator of the app, not a content creator. So, even if some trend video you publish became viral, the platform should not deliver your other videos.

Hashtags Are Friends

Hashtags are very good to boost the videos. The wildcards as #fy and #foryourpage are always welcome for that. Be sure to also use tags related to both your type of content and the current video specifically. In addition, it’s also worth researching which hashtags are hyped at the moment before publishing the video. By doing that, you take advantage of the boom that the hashtag is having.

The main point is to do what makes you happy. Focus on creating content that you appreciate and would like to see on the app. Growth may take a while, but everything has its time. Do not compare yourself to others as well, after all, you are unique. Remember to use these tips on your TikTok account and share with friends you know will like them too!


The article above was edited by Rafaela Bertolini.

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Nicole Leslie

Casper Libero '23

Estudante de jornalismo e editora de features em inglês.