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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Are there any stores that you love and can’t stand spending one week without hearing the latest news? Are you a big fan of social media? So, what about bringing the two together? Actually, a lot of stores are using Instagram to attract more buyers, since the app is one easy and fast way to show the news and stay closer to the customers.

Lots of girls have already bought clothes and accessories through this social media. Melina Oliveira, Cásper’s PR graduate, thinks that Instagram for stores is one good way to approach the customers, and she really likes when the store’s profiles show the brand’s backstage, publishing their clients wearing the brand’s products.

For stores, the showcase made by Instagram is also quite interesting. Volk Store (@volkstore), a brand of T-shirts, reveals that their first social media was Instagram, and only after they expanded to others medias. Every month, they sell through the app hundreds of pieces of clothes, making it the most responsible for their sales.

Another online store, LV Store (@lvstore_oficial), of feminine clothes, makes the majority of their sales through Instagram. “First, people see the clothes in my profile, and then they send a message asking about the availability, price and size. I believe that with regular publications, customers will never forget the store”, says the owner.

But, according to Bárbara Gamberini, Marketing student, there’s one negative point, which is not being able to try the products on. As it can only be seen through the mobile phone or the computer, it makes it slightly difficult to purchase, and can be a decisive point on whether the customer will buy it or not. Beatriz Manfredini, a Journalism Junior, agrees with her. “Sometimes, when you get the product, the fabric or pattern are not as you expected, which ends up as being a problem for me”.

However, the technology is growing and stores are doing their best to follow this growth. As told by Daniela Baratella, owner of Dani Baratella Bijoux (@bijouxdanibaratella), one picture says more than a thousand words. Her store’s profile on Instagram shows a lifestyle that inspires the customers, and, in her opinion, that inspiration influences on the buyer’s will, increasing the sales – she sells about five hundred jewerly a month. 


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Letícia Vaz

Casper Libero

Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.