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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Amor vincit omnia. That was the name of the final episode of our beloved Sense8, released on June 8. Meaning “Love Conquers All”, this was the perfect name to define the end of the TV series. Since Netflix canceled the show last year, the fans were crazy for a proper end to the story – since season two ended with a lot of plot twists and outcomes to be discovered. So at least we could enjoy the conclusion for each trajectory of all sensates in an episode of two hours and a half.

In this last episode, directors ‎Lilly and Lana Wachowski made a great job making all the fans feel as a part of this cluster. Everyone that watched it could feel the love in the story and in the production of each scene, closing a cycle of two seasons in a way that did not weaken the narratives and making tears come out of our eyes more than usual.

One thing can be said about this ending: the whole episode showed us how every piece was walking toward an happy ending. But the way that they tried to conclude every story may have given protagonism to some characters, like Wolfgang (Max Riemel). At the beginning of the episode we discover the past of the character and how it ends affecting his current life. Not that the focus in some characters is bad, but it seems like others narratives weren’t explored as much as it could be, an understanding fact since the series was canceled and there was no time left to create new plots.

Image source: IMDb

In between this development, other fact to be shown is how action scenes were common in this episode, that you can see even among the most dramatic moments of this closure. The story of the Biological Preservation Organization, aka BPO, and all those intrigues involving the sensates all over the world also end up in the background and presenting a solution that is very convenient and easy to solve.

But concluding, I believe this was a beautiful episode, with all its lyrics. Being a fan of the series, seeing the wedding of Nomi (Jamie Clayton) and Amanita (Freema Agyeman) at the Eiffel Tower was a turning point, which showed the message that the series wants to pass from the first season: how love really conquers all in all its different forms. This series made me cry, laugh, get shocked and mostly understand how love is important in our lives, no matter the ways it is demonstrated. Sense8 will be missed, but never forgotten in my heart.

Isabela Frasinelli

Casper Libero '20

Student of journalism. From São Paulo to the world. @isafrasinelli
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.