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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

For those who love a good comedy series, the third season of “La Casa De Las Flores” (“The House Of Flowers”) is out on Netflix! Created in October 2018, this Mexican telenovela-style show entertains the public.

If you’ve never heard about this series, the story is about the De La Mora family, owners of a flower shop called Casa de Las Flores, which names the show. In a first impression of this tale, these people appear to be well resolved and an “ideal” family type. However, appearances are deceiving. After the suicide of the lover of the husband of the De La Mora’s family in the flower shop, this and many other secrets and mysteries begin to be revealed, giving the direction and the final destination of the series.

The first season reveals one secret after another attracting more and more attention from those who watch it. The second season follows the same way, continuing the story where it left off. However, other characters start to be featured.

The third season surprises everyone with new secrets, stories, revelations and current issues such as prejudice, bisexuality and transsexuality. In fact, all these issues have been around since the beginning of the series, what is new is the growing approach to these issues throughout the episodes. 

Manolo Caro, the director of the show, takes us back 40 years, all the way to 1979, to help us understand the reasons and motives that led to all the events that occurred during the entire show, as they happened, and to show the origins of some friendships, crimes and more secrets that still haunt this family to this day.

If you were curious with so many secrets that this series still reserves, don’t waste your time and start watching the third – and final – season of “La Casa De Las Flores“!



The article above was edited by Laura Okida.

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Laura Lopes

Casper Libero '21

I’m a journalism student. I love read and write texts about everything! I like adventures and challenges. I’m always learning with life!
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.