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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Love (noun) – an intense feeling of deep affection, like or enjoy very much. However, here’s the question: Is love dead? We will prove that no! To celebrate the Brazilian Valentine’s Day, celebrated on June 12th, we have 3 stories about how love can change lifes. Check it out!

A Movie Story

Giulia Gianolla, 19, studies Journalism at Cásper Líbero and tells how she got to know her boyfriend, Mateus, who also studies at her college. 

“My love story is very much a movie story, but not what I imagined it would be. I always thought that when I met the love of my life, I would know, I would feel an instant connection and something simple: meet, be close, become best friends, date, marry and live happily ever after. It was nothing like that”.

When Giulia met Mateus, she was dating and in love with someone else. They started working together. “To me, he was just the funny, cool guy who works and takes the subway with me. But, he said he fell in love right away and spent months in love with me without me knowing”.  

On Giulia’s birthday, he surprised her and said he was liking her, but she didn’t like him back. “We remained friends, because I couldn’t get away from him, even though I knew she liked me and that I should stay away so I wouldn’t make him suffer”, explains. 

Many months later, the pandemic came and they got closer and made video calls that lasted for hours. Giulia’s birthday arrived again and she went traveling with him and another friend.

“There we gave a hug and I felt I was in love. On his birthday, I went to his house to take a present and we kissed. Since then, we haven’t been apart anymore and this first kiss we count as the beginning of our relationship. We are best friends with each other, we encourage each other, we don’t fight and I’m very happy. I am 100% the person who wants to spend life with him”, ends Giulia.

Online Dating

Carolina Vitória, 19, studies Radio, TV and Internet at Belas Artes and tells how she got to know her girlfriend, Giovanna, who she never met in person.

“We met in an app, you know how it is, pandemic and everything else, it’s not getting to know many people in person. We were talking and, little by little, we got closer, day after day. We kept exchanging messages, we talked all the time and about everything. Then, we started making phone calls every day, as a way to feel closer (for now the dates are being like that, unfortunately), but we can’t wait to meet in person! Today we cannot live without each other”, says Carolina Vitória.

The Friendship Love

Giulia Zerbinato, 18, studies Journalism at Cásper Líbero and tells how she got to know her two best friends, Fernanda and Maísa.

“Getting to know Fernanda and Maísa was something very spontaneous: we were placed in the same class at college, but we hadn’t talked properly yet. It was in the collective Despertar, at the Cásper Libero College, a musical theater group, that I approached the two of them and realized how these friendships would do me good. Passionate about theatre, music and dance, we were united through art”, narrates Giulia.

The Journalism student tells that her and their friends always connect and take these opportunities to rehearse the musical scenes and gossip. “With very little time I understood that friendship love comes very quickly – it’s an instant connection, we hit it off and then it just works”.

Giulia Zerbinato also says that she believes the coolest thing about their friendship “is that we’ve known each other for such a short time and I can already tell how special they are to me”. 

The friend of Fernanda and Maísa ends her story saying that “going to college during a pandemic is quite complex, especially for making friends.  It’s very difficult to be in a new environment without meeting practically anyone – but thanks to them I’m not afraid of being alone or not having friends in the room. I have no words to describe the love I feel for them!  It’s unconditional and I know they won’t be leaving my life anytime soon”.

Bonus: The Author’s Story

I met Ulisses, my boyfriend, at Grapetes, which is a theater collective from our college, Cásper Líbero.  But, with the pandemic, we ended up not getting to know each other very well. 

Because of mutual friends, we ended up getting along more, but pretty much everything online.  We had the opportunity to really talk on a friend’s birthday and I invited myself to see a movie at his house, because he had a big screen and of course I already had a crush on him.

After that, we went to the movies, but only as friends. The following week, he asked me to see a movie at his house and it was the first time we kissed.  From that moment on, we just got closer, watched movies together, went for a walk in the park and, as soon as we noticed, we were already dating. We’ve set a date and now we’re going to complete six months together.

Ulisses really proves to me that there is love, he completely changed my life.  Before, I had a lot of self-esteem issues, like a lot of girls, and he helped me a lot with that, even without knowing it. When I’m with him, I feel like the happiest person in the world and also the luckiest. He is really special and the love of my life.


The article above was edited by Gabriela Sartorato.  

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Maria Cunha

Casper Libero '23

Journalism student, passionate about cinema and theater. I love my family more than anything in the world and I am grateful to God every day for it. São Paulo and soccer fan. Enthusiast of reality shows and soap operas. ????