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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.


One of Netflix’s most watched original series, Orange Is The New Black comes to an end. The show portraits the lives of female inmates of the Litchfield Correctional Institution, each one with different crime records, stories, social classes and habits, living in an environment not so pleasant, but full of love and friendship.

If in the beginning OITNB was considered a comedy, the last season fit the series in the drama category. Without doubt, the highlight goes to the approach of the series about immigration in the US, a theme that generates political debate. The returns of characters already known to the public, such as Maritza and Blanca, have made the nucleus even more interesting.

Piper, the protagonist, who in last season gained early release, lives her life out of prison, but continues her relationship with Alex. We were so used to the series inside the prison that her life as a free woman does not yield great scenes.

Image Source: IMDb

Among the unpredictable endings, stand out the death of Doggett and the dementia of Red, two characters very beloved by fans and with great prominence throughout the series.

The low point of the last season is the lack of scenes from old characters. The inmates who were transferred to other States after the rebellion in Litchfield, shown in the third season, had almost no scene. They just make an appearance for a few minutes in the last episode with Alex, who was transferred in the final episodes. So, we don’t know what happened to Boo, Leanne and so many others.

The most anticipated end was the confirmation of Taystee’s sentence, who, in fact, was sentenced to life imprisonment for a crime she did not commit – the death of the Captain of the Guards, Desi Piscatella. Although, she is one of the few characters that pass a little hope to the audience and helped to bring up the discussion about racism in Criminal Justice System, especially after Poussey’s death in season four.  

Image Source: IMDb

With almost all tanks without the cliché happy ending, the series managed to retract a real ending and with great possibility of happening outside the fictional world. Bye Litchfield, we will miss you, for sure. 

Jessyca Schmidt

Casper Libero '21

Estudante de jornalismo na Faculdade Cásper Líbero. Entretenimento é sua paixão na hora de escolher sobre o que vai escrever.
Camille Carboni

Casper Libero '19

Senior at Cásper Líbero University, majoring in Journalism and Editor-in-Chief at Her Campus. Proudly a cat person, tea and french desserts addicted and specially in love with cinnamon. Deeply crazy about maps and everything travel related, so if you wanna catch my attention, you should know airports will always be my favorite places on earth.