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“One Of Us Is Lying”: Is The Show A Good Adaptation?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.


The American TV show One Of Us Is Lying recently premiered on Netflix, and it has generated several controversies for omitting parts of the original story. The new series does not follow the script provided by the book, but still fulfills the role of cliché and teen thriller promised.

The story starts with 5 students in detention: Bronwyn (Marianly Tejada), the nerd; Addy (Annalisa Cochrane),the beautiful; Nate (Cooper van Grootel), the criminal; Cooper (Chibuikem Uche), the athlete and Simon (Mark McKenna), the gossip. Suddenly, when the teacher responsible for detention leaves the room, letting them alone for a minute, one of them dies. Naturally,the others become suspects in a murder.

This is not a unique and surprising story in the world of teen series and books. You may have remembered series such as Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girl, and The Breakfast Club while reading the synopsis. But still, the show brings up many important subjects like parental issues, emotional problems, eating disorders, betrayal, and others, making the story way more intriguing. 

What is missing in the show?

The series features several additional elements to the story told in the book, which adds to the plot positively, such as giving importance to secondary characters without taking the focus off the four main ones, which helps the public to understand better the ideas shared and the scenes that happen in the book. 

But, on the other hand, the tv show eliminated important  figures from the book, such as Eli, the volunteer lawyer who got Nate out of jail, and Ashton, Addy’s sister who at various times gave her emotional support. Moreover, the actors who make the main roles do not follow the stripe sum left in the book,but that’s not the biggest problem since it doesn’t affect the plot of the story.

In addition, it is worth saying that the end of the series is not the same as the end of the book! This factor annoyed many  of the readers, but it didn’t change anything for the ones who just watched the show.  

In conclusion, the show brought feelings of satisfaction and disappointment at the same time, mainly to those who read the book. But it did not fail to fulfill its role of leaving the audience tense and curious to discover the end. 

Will we have another season?

Those who enjoyed the adaptation can celebrate because the streaming where the show was originally released, Peacock,confirmed at least one more season of the show! The new episodes may arrive in the second half of 2022 in the USA. Let’s see what the directors prepared for us.

Book to TV adaptations are always hard to fully satisfy the fans and have their approval. But part of it is remembering that, inevitably, there are going to exist some changes. Of course, there are terrible adaptations, and we shouldn´t forget to pressure the directors to at least follow the main story.

The article above was written by Isabela Rodrigues and edited by Lorena Lindenberg.
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Isabela Cucolicchio

Casper Libero '25

Just a young journalist trying to be my best version! any sugestions email me: belacr825@gmail.com :)