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Nostalgic Feeling: Does Rereading Your Teenage Books As An Adult Makes It Lose Its Magic?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

When we are kids and being introduced to the literature world, we read some books that are now favorites, and love them in a way that can not be changed. Later, when we decide to revisit the story, we may have a new mind and a new opinion about it, but that doesn’t mean that it is a bad story, we just give a new meaning to it.

The experience of reading a book is very personal, and the meaning and feeling given to the story is connected with when you read it. So, when you give the book a second look, with new eyes, you can realize new things, pay attention to new details, and that is such a benefit to the experience of literature.

Like when an author announces a new book that is part of a series, usually people come back to it again to be prepared for the new release, and they see things they didn’t realize the first time.

As you get more mature you also relate to characters that you once didn’t love, it’s like the feeling when you realize that you no longer relate to Spongebob, and actually Squidward Tentacles is much more relatable (and it’s okay). You get to understand the depths of the characters and the reasons behind their choices, like Snape in Harry Potter, as the story goes on, you get to understand him more and more.

And being honest, nothing is more effective for a reading slump than rereading THAT book you love, and it doesn’t even matter how much time has passed since you read it, only that one will do. Or simply because you forgot what happened in the book that you like, but don’t actually remember why.

On the contrary to losing its magic, rereading a book makes you travel through time to when you read it for the first time, it recaptures the magic that you once felt. And of course, the familiarity, the warm hug that is to go through your favorite stories and characters. C.S Lewis (the author of The Chronicles of Narnia) said that rereading a book is like spending more time with his best friends, he wouldn’t want to do it only once.

Rereading a book is recommended (if not by specialists, I am saying, do it), it brings more depth to literature and, for you, experiences.

“A truly great book should be read in youth, again in maturity and once more in old age, as a fine building should be seen by morning light, at noon and by moonlight”

Robertson Davies, Canadian journalist and writer

So let’s do what Rapunzel told us and reread a book if we have time to spare, and tell us what is your favorite book to do so!

The article below was edited by Fernanda de Andrade Silva.

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Beatriz Martins

Casper Libero '26

Journalism major, fangirling about Taylor Swift and passionate reader.