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No Pressure Self-Care: 10 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself Without Feeling Overwhelmed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Though it may look like that sometimes, self-care isn’t synonym to expensive products, extreme exercises or Instagrammable pictures. While the industry makes a huge amount of money from the wrong idea of self-care, people tend to grow anxious and sadder. What was supposed to be a moment to unwind from everyday stress can end up doing more harm than good. 

What the self-care industry and social media don’t always say is that it’s okay to just take some time off and be unproductive. Yoga and healthy meals are great things to your mental and physical health, but aren’t always necessary. Sometimes, the best we can do for ourselves is to listen to our body without the pressure to be your “best self”. Check out 10 different ways to take care of yourself with no pressure to it:

1. Take a nap

Seriously, just take a nap. What good can you do to yourself and others while feeling exhausted?

2. Take a shower and brush your teeth

Being clean will make you feel like you are getting your life together. Plus, you will feel more productive (even though there’s no need to produce anything in your “me time”).

3. Reach out to a loved one

No need to call, if you are not feeling like talking. Just text a family member or a good friend. Tell them you appreciate them and have a nice talk.

4. Eat something you really like

No need to worry about your diet and calories right now. It’s okay to just appreciate the moment and the taste of your favorite food. 

5. Be kind to someone

Taking care of others is also taking care of yourself. Compliment someone, help a stranger carry their groceries, send a loving message to a friend: it’s up to you.

6. Stretch your body

No need to run or jump around. Just get up and move your body a bit. You’ll feel better.

7. Take 10 minutes to tidy your room

You don’t need to organize your entire wardrobe. Just clean your desk, sweep the floor and make your bed. Looking at a clean and tidy room will improve your mood instantly.

8. Watch your comfort movie

Time to get under the blankets (if you can make some popcorn, that’s even better). Watch your comfort movie and really pay attention to it. Try to avoid social media during this period of time.

9. Drink water

Even if you are not thirsty. Dehydration will only make you feel tired and dizzy.

10. Get plenty of sleep

Try to prioritize your sleep. If your routine is too crazy, do it at least once in a while. A good night of sleep have a lot of benefits to your memory, concentration, immune system and mental health.

👯‍♀️ Related: Let’s talk about the importance of self acceptance and self love?
Lethicia Lioi

Casper Libero '22

Journalism student.