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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Have you ever had that feeling of looking to your wardrobe and finding… pause… nothing? We’ve all been there, and believe me, you should’t be blaming on the lack of your clothes, but rather on how you organize them. Caroline Joy Rector, a Texan photographer and the head behind Un-Fancy has planned a solution which you will definitely want to add to your New Years resolutions!

According to her, by reducing your closet to 37 pieces a season, you will be spending more of your time, energy and money on things that really matter in life rather than just shopping. The magic is called Capsule Wardrobe, a kind of wadrobe detox which, besides the already said benefits, will help you define your style.

How does it work?

Take all of your clothes out of your wardrobe, and sort them in 3 piles: love it and would wear it now, maybe and no. The first pile will go back to your closet and will help you see how your style is like. The pile of the things you’re not sure you should wear will be stored, just in case you change your mind. And the no pile will be donated or sold! The idea is to give way to space on your wardrobe so the things you really like will be more visible.

From that, you will get down to your 37 essencials (the number is up to you and your necessities!), which will be mixed and remixed with accessories (this category doesn’t have a limit number of pieces), and make your creativity work! The ideia is to wear what we already have, instead of spending lots of money shopping for things we will wear only once. According to Caroline, “You can be happier with less”.

Got excited about this project? You can get more information at http://www.un-fancy.com/.

I'm a journalism student at Cásper Líbero University and the fashion editor of Her Campus Cásper's Chapter.  My biggest dream is to travel the world and to be a poliglot!
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.