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National Children’s Book Day: Why We Should Create and Encourage Reading Habits Early On

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Although it is celebrated on the international stage on April 2nd, the National Children’s Book Day is on April 18th in Brazil. The date refers to the importance of reading, especially in basic child education, since books are a fundamental mechanism for the exercise of citizenship.

The celebrations usually take place in schools and may include: events, educational projects, library tours, reading circles and circuits, storytelling, among other special activities.

Created in 2002, under Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s government through Law 10.402//02, the choice of the creation of the commemorative date was a way to honor the renowned Brazilian pre-modernist writer Monteiro Lobato, who was born on April 18, 1882. Considered the pioneer of Brazilian children’s literature, he is the author of the works that make up the famous “Sítio do Picapau Amarelo” (“The Yellow Woodpecker Farm”) collection.

girl reading on train
Photo by Will Tarpey from Unsplash

More than an opportunity to honor Monteiro Lobato, the date celebrates children’s literature as a whole. Therefore, other writers of this genre also deserve due recognition for their contributions, such as:

  • Pedro Bandeira, author of “O Fantástico Mistério de Feiurinha“;
  • Ana Ruth Rocha, author of “Marcelo, Marmelo, Martelo“;
  • Ziraldo, author of “O Menino Maluquinho“;
  • Ana Maria Machado, author of “Bisa Bia, Bisa Bel“;
  • Maurício de Souza, author of the famous comic book collection “Turma da Mônica“.

Furthermore, this is the moment when government agencies, schools, publishers, and libraries adopt to discuss the importance of Brazilian children’s literature in the country’s culture, report on its problems, publicize famous stories, and launch new authors and books in the media. Above all, April 18th celebrates children’s reading and its playful and private universe, without excluding the value of raising awareness among adults and institutions responsible for the education of the kids, thus highlighting the importance of encouraging reading.


But, what is the importance of encouraging children to develop the habit of reading?

Reading is one of the most effective ways to build new learning. According to the Portuguese language teacher Natália Flaibam, who graduated from the University of Sciences and Letters of Amparo (Unifia), “encouraging reading since childhood is very important for children to grow up with knowledge, insight, and wisdom. Literature arouses curiosity and diverse cognitive and intellectual skills, such as creativity, imagination, learning, interpretation, concentration, focus, linguistics, and the increase in vocabulary. Also, it can be a way to introduce them to different cultures and ethical issues in a playful way.

In the long run, improving the habit of reading makes it possible to strengthen ideas and actions due to gains in general and specific knowledge. In this respect, there is the possibility of the rising of those who read to higher levels of cognitive performance, such as the application of new knowledge in unusual situations, the analysis, and criticism of texts, the synthesis of studies carried out, the dynamization of interpretation and reasoning. Reading is essential for the formation of a socially aware citizen: the reader awakens new points of view of life that he/she had not yet thought of and the understanding of another being.


Reading encouragement starts at home…

The development of long-lasting reading habits and interests is a continuous process, starting at home, progressing systematically at school, and continuing into later life, through influences from the general cultural environment and the conscious commitment of education and school.

However, as Flaibam said, many parents think that the incentive to read is only an obligation of the schools, verifying, therefore, a decrease in the number of child readers, since the stimulus of reading at home is as important as the one that comes from school. This is because, according to her, “in the family, reading becomes more pleasurable, since at school we know that many do it because it is mandatory. The first element for children to be stimulated to read is the example of others, especially people of their affection. When we see someone doing an activity with pleasure we feel challenged and curious to do it too. If there is someone to inspire you, it’s always easier.

She also says that when she worked with underprivileged children from 3 to 6 years old, she used to put them in front of the books so that they could feel and see the images and thus arouse in them an interest in wanting to read.


Can reading and technology be potential allies?

With the advent of the Digital Age, electronic devices are often seen as enemies of children’s reading. Nevertheless, what many ignore is the possibility of combining books with technology to stimulate the habit.

About this, the teacher says: “It is possible to use the popularity of social networks, blogs, and online content to stimulate the reading habit. Digital books, for example, offer a new learning experience, with the possibility of consuming the same content in different media, such as audio, image, and video, enabling a more fluid and dynamic reading.


Ok, but how to encourage children to read in schools?

There are several ways to awaken the taste and habit of reading in young children in schools, among which it is possible to mention:

  • Adoption of collective reading, in groups or out loud, and dramatization of the narrative dialogues;
  • Creation of ”Cantinhos de Leitura” (“Reading Corner”), with books and magazines of the interests of children, always seeking to renew them;
  • Providing access to supplementary books for leisure reading, and group discussions;
  • Use of varied materials such as hardcover, softcover books, newspaper articles, magazines, comics.


Reading is a chain of good!

It is evident, therefore, the importance of encouraging and stimulating the habit of reading from childhood. Reading is always a chain of good. Books expand the perception of the world and values and modify the way of thinking, feeling, and acting, helping in our personal development.

Some readers even report experiences of renewal and inspiration after finishing a good reading. Shy and lonely children can find the ideal companion in books to feel understood, thus connect effectively with the world. After all, as Mario Quintana once said: “The book has the advantage that we can be alone and, at the same time, accompanied.

Certain things in life only add up, and reading is one of them!

So, on this National Children’s Book Day, encourage reading, read to a child, read to yourself, value books, and evolve! The results will certainly be wonderful.


The article above was edited by Giulia Lozano Pacini.

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Giulia Lang

Casper Libero '24

Brasileira, 18 anos Estudante de jornalismo da Fundação Casper Líbero