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My Way To See Things: 5 Kids Tell Their Opinions About Coronavirus & Social Distancing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The coronavirus pandemic affected every single person. Whether you are home or doing an outstanding job, the disease changed the way we communicate, socialize…It basically took everything we knew as life and turned it upside down. Asking how people are doing regarding the – insane – scenario we are living in today is an act of empathy and politeness, but it can also be very revealing, especially if you are talking to the most honest people on earth: children.

We asked five children about the social distancing and here are the results:

Rafael Gabi, 10 years old

“I know that (the coronavirus) is a virus that can kill people and, to me, the quarantine was not that good because I couldn’t play with my friends. I felt a little alone. I miss going to the stadium and playing football. I come up with games with cardboards so I don’t get too bored. I like that I can see my family more, my dad was always out and now it is cool to have him here.”

Maria Fernanda Caliman Wild, 5 years old

“I thought it was bad (the social distancing), because we can’t go to the mall, we have to wear marks and not being able breathe because of them. I really didn’t like being at home. I miss my friends, I miss going to the supermarket, playing in the mall’s toys without a mask. The weekends are sad because we can only stay home playing games and when there wasn’t this coronavirus thing, we could go out. I want to visit my friends another day when the pandemic is over and I also want that there wasn’t this pandemic.”

Manuela Caliman Wild, 9 years old

“I think that the social distancing is kind of is boring because I miss some people. I feel happy at home! I miss some things but here in my house it is nice. I miss the beach, I miss traveling to Disney, seeing snow. I miss going to my jazz classes, playing with my friends. Online classes are boring and tiring, but during this time I rode my bike, walked with my dogs, played and attended my appointments online.”

Julia Menalli Ferraz, 11 years old

“In the beginning I think I had anxiety and felt a little sad. I was adapting so I didn’t have a good organization but now it’s fine and I feel more confident. I get sad when I think that I can’t go out because of the pandemic  and the social distancing. I miss my family, my friends and people in general. I realized how people are important and you can’t fight with them. I thought a lot about it. Sometimes I get tired of looking at the computer all day, so I eventually just use my cellphone.”

Arthur Casarin, 8 years old

“I can’t say that social distancing was boring nor that it was cool. I liked that I could be with my parents more but I really miss the school. I feel good at home but I miss a lot of things. I miss playing football, miss my friends, miss barbecues with a lot of agglomerations. I miss everybody!! I watch TV, I do homework, sometimes I play with my parents and my teeth fell out!”


The article above was edited by Helena Leite.

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Beatriz Lemos

Casper Libero '21

Journalism student and aspiring actress
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

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