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Mothers Day: 4 Women Who Inspire Us

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

There is nothing more powerful than the voice of an upright woman. Systematically, the first voice that connects us to the world is of our mothers. Vigorous, loving, authentic, concerned, inspiring, warm.

In the wave of empowered women, there are always mothers with exciting stories. For this reason, Her Campus collected four narratives from resilient women who, through their daughters, changed the feminine look towards the world.

Marlí de Souza

“No mother is as protective, zealous as my mother, and at the same time, so funny, light and fun.”

To honor the journalist and teacher, Marlí de Souza, Ariel Regina de Souza, 18, recalled the trajectory of her mother who is an example of maternal strength.

“I think that if I take a moment to list the reasons why my mom is strong, I will be here all month. My mother has worked her whole life and raised me practically alone for the past 11 years. She had fought and won cancer at the age of 42. She did it all while still having joy and a smile on her face, and always taking care of me”, she wrote emotionally.

The young student of Chemical Engineering also memorized the loss of her grandmother, a loss that remodeled the family’s organization and demanded from Marlí a strength that only a mother is capable of: “She succeeded, made it work, made us work. And I think that resilience is very inspiring”.

When asked about a favorite moment with her mother, the daughter was unable to select just one, but chose a memory that reflects the personality of both of them: “The memory that came to my mind the most is us going through drive-thru, buying food, stopping the car at the corner and eating fries dipped in ice cream together, laughing and talking”.

Jokingly, she pointed out: “What does she deserve? The world, maybe. It is difficult because I wanted to give her much more than I can ou could think. For now, I promise love and sweets”.

Maria Fernanda Carvalho

Taking the same name as her mother, journalism student Maria Carvalho,18, also gave a statement about her relationship with her mother.

“I really think my mom is a ‘super mom’, she doesn’t go out of her way to take care of us, it may even be that all moms do it, but not like her. If I need a costume made by hand, she does it without complaint and with perfection”, said the young girl who also has a career as an actress in parallel with journalistic life.

“My mother has already gone through many adverse situations, but she hardly talks about it. This makes her very strong, she faces all the problems on her own. In addition, with my father living away, he takes on the financial responsibilities, but she is the one that take care of all the other details”.

The university student also said that there is no gift that corresponds to her mother’s value, however, she explained that the vaccine against Covid-19 would be a great option, if it were possible.

Priscila Giannola

Cearense, the mother of journalism student, Izabella Giannola, 18, is a unique icon for her daughter. Priscila traveled all over Brazil alone. Currently, she lives and works with tourism in the State of Ceará.

The daughter, residing in the capital of São Paulo, took advantage of Mother’s Day to exalt the struggle of the adventurer: “What makes my mother a strong woman is all she endured. My mother is a very warrior woman, she went through a few good ones in other states with a backpack on her back and a tent. ”

Telling about the hard trajectory of the maternal figure, the young girl commented that Priscila had two abusive relationships, but she gathered the strength to abandon her discontent and follow her dreams.

“What inspires me about her is the passion for freedom that she has, it is something that I bring into my life. Always be strong, never lower your head for anyone.”.

Even though she wishes she could be with her mother on the second Sunday of May, the university student reinforces that she feels affection for her: “She doesn’t see the world as a standard imposed on us, she tries to go beyond that”.

Helena Leslie

“I have never met a woman who matches my mother’s claw. She has a lot of dedication in everything she does”. This is the thought of Nicole Leslie, 20, casperiana of journalism, about her mother, Helena Leslie.

Nicole said that her mother started in the job market when she was just 14 years old, in order to supplement her household income since the family’s economic situation was not the best. “She always said that she doesn’t have to accumulate sleep, I don’t even know how she managed to spend days without sleep for years”, she commented. The university student also said that her mother’s ambition is one of her greatest inspirations.

Helena and her family live in Santos-SP, however, the matriarch worked for 18 years in the city of São Paulo, taking the road every day to go and return. “I don’t know why, but every day when she got home she came along with Barney’s closing song. She would come, drop everything, and we would start dancing in front of the TV”.

On Mother’s Day, the student believes that her mother deserves a day of rest. “She doesn’t let herself rest. She always said ‘if something is to be done, do it right”.


The article above was edited by Gabriela Sartorato.  

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Laura Vicaria

Casper Libero '23

Laura is jornalism student at Faculdade Casper Libero and a feminist in Brazil. She is passionate about fashion, pop culture and female power. Taking women to the top of journalistic positions is one of her biggest goals as a professional and supporter of gender equality.
cuore in allarme journalist, writer, artist and everything else in between ✉ laurapferrazzano@gmail.com