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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

First of all, it must be said that the menstrual and lunar cycles are not necessarily aligned, but there are phases in this process that correlate with certain beliefs that link the phases of the moon with the potential of the four moments of the menstruation. 

This field of popular wisdom understands that all life in nature is composed of phases, with moments of expansion and contraction. And being a relationship of cycles we can observe the phases of the moon and menstruation. That is, every month we have the moment of growth, expansion, fullness and withdrawal, with all the energies that involve each menstrual phase.

And we can relate to the phases of the cycle, pre-ovulatory, ovulatory, premenstrual and menstrual, with potential and qualities to be explored in each phase. For that, we must understand the archetypes, that is, the  psychic patterns that determine each moment.

This popular belief is based on 28-day cycles, which is how long it takes the moon to circle the earth completely. In addition, another curious factor is the influence that the moon has before the tides, and our body being composed of more than 70% water, why would it be any different? 

However, this information does not translate a pattern, after all, each person has a particular cycle, and people who do not menstruate can also explore the phases of the moon to know and adjust their rhythms. Discover the potential of each phase:  

Crescent moon – pre-ovulatory phase

The archetype of this phase is the maiden and spring is the season, that is, the beginning of life, the moment to bloom and creating something new. In this journal we are after the end of menstruation, and the main potential is to put into practice the actions outlined in other cycles.

So it is a time to harvest, since the maiden is also the archetype of youth vitality, and so the feeling of physical disposition is extremely present, in addition, it is a phase of confidence and independence.

Full Moon – ovulatory phase In

This phase, the archetype represented, is that of the mother, and the season is summer. Here, the energies are turned outward, which is why the feeling is one of
sensuality and availability for others. Thus, the potential to be explored at this stage are social events, and this is the ideal time to hold that important meeting, and especially to thank the fruits harvested in the previous cycle.
Because the period is fertile, sexual desire can be even greater at this stage, so allow yourself to feel pleasure. Another point is that clarity in thoughts and acceptance is also an important factor that can influence decision making.

Waning moon – premenstrual phase

The sorceress represents the archetype of this phase in the menstrual cycle, and may well represent the dreaded PMS, with autumn being the season. At this point in the cycle, purification and cleaning of the body begins to happen, which also impacts life as a whole, and that is why the feeling of detachment and the idea of ​​letting go of things that do not make sense are so mentioned.

The potentials are linked to analysis, attention and reflection, but also related to the need to impose limits, which can cause some stress. But it reveals the need to start retiring for the next period, and therefore be more inward.

New moon – menstrual phase

In this period the archetype is represented by the witch or the craving, the main reason for this figure is the wisdom accumulated during the cycle. Inspection is present and therefore the energies are turned inwards, and it is also the time to plant, to harvest in the next cycle, while reflecting the previous one.

The intuitive potential of this phase must be explored, and the limits of recoil as well, in order to connect with its interior, which is the energy of the season of this cycle, the winter. Finally, the purification process is concluded, with the idea of ​​leaving behind what we no longer want in our lives.


The article above was edited by Thays Avila. 

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Beatriz Oliveira

Casper Libero '21

journalism student, feminist and passionate about fashion