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Meeting The World Without Leaving Home: 5 Influencers To Follow If You Love Traveling

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The mid-year vacation is almost here! And if you have not planned your trip yet, do not worry. We have prepared a list with some Instagram travel users that may help you chose your next destination or, if you are not planning to travel, just spent some time getting to know new places.

Amanda Noventa

Amanda is a Brazilian woman creator of the site Amanda Viaja. She also works in Estadao newspaper, writing columns about places that she has alredy visited and travel tips.

Amanda was indicated for KAYAK award, in the category “Digital Influencer That Inspires You The Most To Travel Through Photos And Tips “. Her Instagram pictures will make you want to pack your bags immediately.

360 Meridianos

This Instagram account is composed by 3 journalists and travel lovers : Luíza Antunes,  Natália Becattini and Rafael Sette.

The group posts pictures, articles and tips about each place that they have been.

As Amanda Noventa, they were also indicated for KAYAK award, in the same category.

Ylka Liberato

This brazilian business woman shares incredible travel tips and photographic records in her social media, showing her passion for history and culture. A plus from Ylka is that she is always sharing her looks combining travel tips and fashion on her account, which shows a lot of her personal life.

Mirelle Tome

Owner of her own website, Mirelle gives a bunch of trip tips. Her website and instagram are filled with amazing pictures and travel itineraries for those who love to skip the routine. She also creates great guides for people who do not want to (or can not) spend so much in a trip!

Renata Araujo Castello Branco

The Brazilian Journalist Renata considers herself a ”Luxury travel blogger”. Her Instagram account is composed by photos from many places of the world. Moreover, she is also an itinerary planner, helping people on the process of planning their trip.

Mariana Frediani

Casper Libero '18

18 anos, ama viajar e escrever
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.