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“Maleficent 2” Review: Angelina Jolie Returns as Disney Villain

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

5 years after the success of the first live-action on 2014, Maleficent comes back with a new attitude and more protection over Aurora. The second movie has been considered by many critics as superior to the first one, even though it kind comes back to the same story of the old fairy tale of who is good and who is bad. The difference of Maleficent is that the villain and the hero switch places, and also we can understand more of why maleficent is bad and the reasons for her actions. 


On the sequel, Aurora, now the queen of the Moors, decides to marry the prince Phillips and Maleficent is totally against it. She and her future husband decide to make a “meet the parents” dinner that doesn’t go really well. Maleficent argues with the queen, Phillips mother .They both don’t get along since the queen doesn’t want to make peace between the Moors and humans. Meanwhile, the king, father of prince Phillips, gets cursed and Maleficent is pointed out as the guilty one, only in the end we found out it wasn’t her.

The script is really well written and it shows with clarity where the story is going. However, the plot doesn’t bring many surprises, considering you can guess what will happen and the end isn’t shocking. The visual image of the movie is outstanding, it brings vivid colors and many especial effects, especially when showing the magic creatures of Moors. Also, the story doesn’t explore very well the couple Aurora and Phillips, even though they are the guide that keeps the movie going. We don’t find out much of their personalities, making them really shallow characters.

On the other hand, Maleficent, the main character, comes back as a even more debauch person, funny and imposing. She has strong opinions and decisions, showing the reasons of her actions. Maleficent is, although considered a villian, really empathic. Angelina Jolie does a good acting job on bringing the best version of Maleficent, a big highlight on the film. 

Almost through the end, we see the queen and Maleficent “switching” places on the plot. This could be the most interesting part since the story leads to another way, despite it being a little expected considering some tips left during the story. The happy ending scenes expose an still big need of Disney to always make a good ending to the characters and a peaceful time no matter what happen.

Maleficent 2: The Mistress of Evil is a good sequel, but maybe not superior to the first one. The switch between good and bad makes it more interesting, but the story ends up going back to the old disney’s fairy that might be a little outdated in 2019. However, if you enjoy this kind of plot, don’t miss it. The movie is worth watching but maybe didn’t fulfill all the expectation that were put on it.

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*All gifs used in this article were taken of GIPHY.

Julia Palmieri

Casper Libero '22

20 year old student of journalism at Cásper Líbero, in love with writing, reading, traveling, music, art, movies and everything that makes me smile.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.